Otto and Hise Nose-Button

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Story Name:

Otto and Hise Nose-Button


Absurd Fantasy

How did you come up with the title:

*shrugs* It's a filler, honestly. My focus is getting the story down. The title was just the most easily identifiable thing for me.

What inspired you for your story:

Don't know. I had an obsession with noses back in college.

How do you name your characters:

Most of my characters are named after artists and either the artist themselves, or their work directly influence the character of the story. My main character's name (Otto) is actually a filler. I couldn't decide what to call him. But he does have a second name that's a reference to a very specific piece of art that is a clue to the end of the story if you can figure it out.

How do you name your chapters:

I don't. But in another story I'm working on off of wattpad, I name the chapters (or at least sections) after the main character's many, many nicknames. Each chapter/section revolves around that nickname in some way.

How long is each chapter:

3-6 pages. I think I scare people away with the longer chapters.

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

describing little things that add up to a larger concept that you're trying to communicate about a character. This was something I absolutely hated about the first couple Harry Potter books. JK Rowling had a bad habit of showing AND telling right next to each other and sometimes what she showed would contradict what she told.

How do you draft and plan your story:

Various ways. I keep a lot of discombobulated notes. Right now I'm using Evernote. When I get an idea for a scene or character or concept or whatever, I jot it down. Then I work on linking them together. I've known since the beginning how I wanted the story to end, so I know where I'm going, but getting there isn't always so easy to draw out.

How long does it take to write one story:

Everyone's different. SE Hinton wrote The Outsiders in one year of 8th grade. It took Tolkien 12 years to write Lord of the Rings. I've had this story in my head for about 10 now, but I've only been writing it for maybe 5.

What is the best way to promote your story:

Don't know. I'm apparently awful at it.

Experience in writing:

I took some writing classes in college. Was on the college creative writing journal committee which let me decide which works were good enough or not good enough to get in the journal. I blog now and I've written news letters, which is kind of like blogging, but without the blog.

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Practice builds your skills and don't run away from criticism.

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