Saving My Heart

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Story Name:

Saving My Heart


New Adult Romance

How did you come up with the title:

This is the second working title. It could still change again. I just thought about the fact that you can get attached to saving things, and that when falling in love, sometimes you lose your heart.

What inspired you for your story:

I had a dream after watching the Taylor Swift video of walking through a mansion that was going to be destroyed.

How do you name your characters:

I let the names pop into my head.

How do you name your chapters:

I usually just number them.

How long is each chapter:

Roughly 1,500-2,000 words.

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

Show means to put your character into the story, and let them show what they are experiencing to the reader.

How do you draft and plan your story:

I usually try to put myself in the main character's place, and think about what I would do in that situation. A lot of my stories are character driven.

How long does it take to write one story:

Depends on the story. Some of my ebooks take 3-5 months. I've got a time travel romance I've been working on for almost 2 years. I'm about 3/4 of the way through.

What is the best way to promote your story:

On Wattpad, I guess I just hang out and talk to people. Then, they can always look me up and see what I've written. I also send out messages on Facebook and Twitter when there is a new chapter posted.

Experience in writing:

I've got several ebooks self-published. I started in 2007, and have 3 books in paperback in another genre. I've got two ebooks in paranormal romance with a third on the way, and a flash fiction story in an anthology.

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Just keep writing. Don't give up. Get your butt in the chair and don't worry about what you're writing. Most of the time as I'm writing I'm thinking, "It's all crap." Then, I go back later and think, "Hmm, not too bad." Worry about whether it's good or bad after it's written.

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