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Story Name:




How did you come up with the title:

It honestly just came to me a few years ago and I've never changed it since.

What inspired you for your story:

A short story I read in the 3rd grade in which it is a custom for the children to live in the forest for a day to come of age.

How do you name your characters:

I try to think of names I like and put a twist in it, because my story takes place in a world where 'Brittany' and 'Jason' aren't common names.

How do you name your chapters:

I just number them to keep organized.

How long is each chapter:

About 10-15 pages, 20 in my latest chapters.

What does ''show not tell'' mean:

It means letting the story show you how things work, what your characters are like, and what the plot is about, instead of having the MC state it plainly. There's no fun in that.

How do you draft and plan your story:

My day sort of revolves around my story. When I'm not writing, I'm thinking about it and future chapters and interesting plot twists I could incorporate. I'm sort of obsessive haha. I don't outline at all.

How long does it take to write one story:

A story? I say it should take several months, if not years. Even the best writers get writers block and it is my philosophy that you should not force yourself to write if you can't get anything good out. Wait to be inspired and it will pay off. Also, editing is a huge part of the writing process. I never finish a chapter without going back several times to add new parts or delete unnecessary prattle. That being said, it takes me a few days to finish a chapter.

What is the best way to promote your story:

Ask nicely. Go on the clubs and ask for reviewers. Leave feedback for other writers and decent people will read your work too :)

Experience in writing:

My first time writing a story with actual plot and chapters was in the 4th grade, so I was about 9 years old. But yes, I've been writing unfinished stories for years. I've been writing Seek for 5 years. Did journalism too in HS.

Final Comments and Tips for others:

Write for yourself. Write what makes you happy, not what gets you reads. Don't force yourself to write. Always edit your own work. Always re-read your own stories.

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