Cheater | Steve

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↬ Date: December 30th, 2020
↬ Prompt: You walk in on (X) cheating.
↬ Trigger [Warning]: Cheating(sorry, I got cheated on), light cussing.
↬ Words: 1095.
"Steve..." A heartbroken sob filled Steve's ears. His brown eyes slowly flicked to the face he had fallen out of love with. (Y/P) eyes were wide though (Y/P) could only stare at him, slightly ignoring the girl with him, "What- what are you d-doing?"

"(Y/N), it's- it's not what it looks like..." Steve said, his voice a little higher. (Y/N) finally managed to glance at the girl laying under Steve, causing another sob to leave (Y/P) lips. (Y/N)'s chest stuttered as (Y/P) heart pinched.

"E-Evie?..." (Y/N) whispered, (Y/P) eyes forced on her now. (Y/N) could feel (Y/P) eyes burn from (Y/P) tears. (Y/P) took a couple of steps back, accidentally into a corner. (Y/P) couldn't tear (Y/P) eyes away. It was like looking at something so repulsive, and you're completely disgusted by, but you can't move to look away, "Steve... Wa-wah-what's going on?"

"Nothing. Get out," Steve said, his saddened eyes staring at (Y/N). He was balls deep in another person and all he can say was 'get out'. (Y/N) nodded dutifully. (Y/P) doubts (Y/P)'s ever felt this type of pain in (Y/P) life. (Y/P) had a pit in (Y/P) stomach that was the opposite of what (Y/P) felt when (Y/P) first met Steve.

It was cold, unforgiving, and brutal. (Y/N) felt (Y/P) chest deflate as (Y/P) finally managed to gain control of (Y/P) body again.

"Steve, you are a jackass! I-I gave you everything- anything, I g-gave you. Even if it made me upset, I gave you it because I loved you!" (Y/N) shouted, causing Steve to flinch. (Y/N) never shouted, especially at him, "I was so okay with giving up my life, just to stay with you! I was so in love with you... I'm so in love with you... I hope she makes you happy the way I tried to. I hope she gives you the life I was trying to."

Before Steve or Evie could say anything, (Y/N) walked out of the room, closing the door softly. (Y/P) walked out of the house and fell to (Y/P) knees on the porch. (Y/P) couldn't help the scream that left (Y/P). It was loud, sorrowful, and broken. (Y/P) stumbled to (Y/P) feet and ran on what felt like water. (Y/P) busted through the Curtis' door and collapsed to the ground again. (Y/P) laid there and nearly tripped Darrel when he walked in.

"Back pain again?" Darrel asked with a chuckle as he walked to the kitchen. (Y/N) had always laid on the ground to help with (Y/P) back pain, so it wasn't unusual. What was unusual, though, was that (Y/P) didn't answer. It was usually just a groan, yeah, but it was something, "(Y/N)?"

A small sob fell to the floor causing Darrel to rush over. He dropped to his knees behind (Y/N) and lifted (Y/P) up. (Y/N) curled into his chest and let (Y/P) loud cries out. Darrel hushed (Y/P) as he sat in the red chair, slowly rocking (Y/P).

"(Y/N), what happened? I don't think I've ever seen you cry like this," Darrel muttered. (Y/N) hiccupped as (Y/P) tried to explain.

"Steve... Evie..." Darrell nodded, being patient, "He... They... In the bed!"

(Y/N) sobbed. (Y/P) was frustrated, trying to explain what happened. Darrel hushed (Y/P) again.

"Honey, take a deep breath and try again. I have all night," Darrel whispered, his hand rubbing (Y/N)'s back.

"They were in... In bed together... Naked," (Y/N) managed to get out but Darrel didn't need to hear anymore. He understood quickly enough, his anger building. Ponyboy was never wrong about people and he's never like Steve.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry," Darrel said, pulling (Y/P) tighter against him. The door opened and the rest of the boys piled in, causing (Y/N) to hide (Y/P) face in Darrel's neck. They were loud and laughing but it got quiet as they looked at Darrel and (Y/N).

"Is (Y/P) okay?"

"Is everything alright?"

"What happened?"

"Guys," Darrel said lowly, the boys quickly shut their mouths. Darrel shook his head, his hands on (Y/N)'s back and head, holding (Y/P) against him. Darrel leaned down and whispered into (Y/N)'s ear, "Can I tell them?"

(Y/N) nodded and Darrel said only five words but those five words were enough to make everyone mad. Anger flashed across Sodapop's face. Pity and sorrow flashed on Ponyboy's face. Johnny's heart hurt for (Y/N). Two-bit's face was blank but his body shook with anger. Regret and murder flashed on Dallas' face. Dallas was the one who introduced (Y/N) to Steve. He was the one who brought (Y/N) around the gang. It was Dallas' fault.

(Y/N) had been passed around to everyone so they could comfort (Y/P). It was Dallas who had managed to calm (Y/P) down enough so (Y/P) wasn't crying or making any noises. (Y/N) was still laying against Dallas' shoulder an hour later. (Y/P) didn't look up when the door opened, but (Y/P) did feel the air grow stiff and tense around them. (Y/P) let a small sigh out as (Y/P) willed (Y/P)self not to cry anymore.

"I have to ask you to leave." (Y/N) heard Dallas say from his seat. (Y/P) clenched (Y/P) eyes, waiting for him to say something.

"I need to talk to (Y/P). (Y/P) deserves closure," Steve said and (Y/N) felt it punch (Y/P) in the stomach.

"I-I have all the- the closure I need," (Y/N) whispered, (Y/P) eyes never leaving (Y/P) hands in (Y/P) lap.

"No. You need to understand why-"

"You don't love me as you did anymore. You've fallen out of love with me," (Y/N) said. (Y/P) went to look at him but knew it was going to hurt (Y/P), so (Y/P) stopped and looked at (Y/P) hands again, "It's alright. I understand. I did warn you that you would get tired of me. And, it's alright that you did. I don't blame you."

"(Y/N)," Dallas hissed softly. (Y/N) rolled (Y/P) eyes at him but couldn't muster up (Y/P) usual smile. Steve stared at (Y/N). Of course, (Y/P) knew. (Y/P) knows everything. Steve nodded and left without looking back. He fucked up. He knew that much. He just didn't know how much he fucked up. (Y/N) closed (Y/P) eyes tightly again, trying to keep (Y/P) heart from hurting anymore.

"I'm sorry, guys... I knew I shouldn't have fallen for him..." (Y/N) muttered. (Y/P) stood up and walked back to Ponyboy's room. (Y/P) shut the door and curled up in their bed, crying again. This happens every time (Y/N) falls in love. Every single time without a fail. (Y/N) ended up crying (Y/P)self to sleep that afternoon. (Y/P) didn't mean to, but it wasn't (Y/P) fault.

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