To the Rescue | Two-Bit

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↬ Date: 05.16.2023.
↬ Prompt: Two-Bit saves you from your wannabe friends.
↬ Trigger [Warning]: Light cursing, friend's being toxic.
↬ Words: 1106.

Y'all-- I am so sorry- I- it's been four fucking months since I uploaded a chapter to this story. I was kicked out of my foster family and have been homeless for a long while before finally telling my boyfriend (because I was ashamed I couldn't keep a family- bio or even fostered) and moving in with him and his mother. I've been trying to find an apartment to move into so I'm not mooching off my boyfriend's mother anymore. I hope to be more active but only time will tell right now.

I'm still accepting requests!!

"Man, I can't wait to eat Peggy's cake." You were rubbing your hands together, walking beside your group of friends. They rolled their eyes at you, annoyed, but you were treating them to food so they don't care how you act right now. "It's been months since I last had a piece, man."

"Woah, that's a long time," One said, entertaining you. You nodded, overexcited about having a piece of delicious chocolate cake. The others giggled at you, but you didn't notice. The friend who spoke held the door open everyone but you. It almost hit you but you didn't notice. "You're paying for everyone, right, (Y/N)? Dessert and all?"

"Uh, well, I mean... I only expected it to be me, you, and Julie..." You muttered, looking at the five other people. Julie rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"I didn't take you for being cheap," Julie said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. You started to play with your fingers subconsciously, nervous and a bit intimidated by the six girls. The other ones started to giggle, and this time you noticed it was at you.

"What? No! I'll-I'll pay..." You said, defeated by their glares.

"Good! Now, I want the chef's special salad," Julie said, then she started to point to the other girls, "She wants the cottage cheese salad- the special steak sandwich, double every topping, with fries- and then two plain salads. Six vanilla shakes and six cokes."

"And the usual, (Y/N)?" The waiter asked, knowing you by name. That caused the girls to laugh at you once again, making you subconscious again. You glanced at the girls, your nose burning, before you shook your head.

"Just the cake, please," You said, smiling at the waiter. He nodded and told you your total. It was six dollars, even. You only had five. You frowned. "Take the cake off, Kevin. I don't have enough..."

Kevin did as told, and then it was 5.25. You found the lucky quarter you swore to never use and used it because the girls had already walked away and you were holding up the line. You give Kevin another smile before walking away.

"I'm so glad you bums aren't like that," A man said, it not reaching your ears.

"What?" Another man asked, looking at where his eyes were.

"That girl was guilted into paying for everyone she was with and then didn't have enough so the only thing she didn't get was the piece of cake she wanted," The first man said, "I would hit you so hard if you pulled something that, Two-Bit."

"Dally, you don't know that's how it happened," A third boy said, picking at his fries before eating a couple.

"I heard everything, Pony. I actually pay attention, thank you," Dallas said, chuckling at Ponyboy's face. Two-Bit didn't look away from the girl that was so obviously being excluded from the conversation with her friends. She was picking at the skin on her fingers, trying to not cry. "You'll catch flies if you don't close your trap."

"Fuck off." That caught both of the other two men off. He didn't have his usually skippy voice and he looked genuinely pissed off. Before either man could stop him, Two-Bit got up and walked over to your table. Julie spotted him first, excitingly telling the other girls to look. Though you assumed she didn't mean you, you looked too and were blown away by the man's beauty.

"Hey there, handsome," Julie said, twirling a piece of hair. The man scoffed at her, turning to look at you instead.

"Hey, I'm Two-Bit. What's your name?" Two-Bit asked you, making the other girls gasp harshly at you.

"Absolutely not. She may be pretty, slightly, but she is a mess and is awful." That felt like a punch to your gut. You do everything in your power to not be awful- not to anyone. Two-Bit could not believe his damn ears.

"Uh huh, so... That name?" Two-Bit smiled down at you, ignoring the other girls.

"(Y-Y/N)," You whispered, trying to not get up and leave.

"Well, (Y-Y/N)-" It made you smile when he mocked your stutter, "Me and my pals ordered one too many pieces of cake. I noticed you don't have anything... So..."

You looked up at him finally, your eyes wet and shiny. You took a moment, listening to the insults the girls threw your way, but you decided to take Two-Bit's outstretched hand and allow him to pull you to your feet.

"Well, I'll love to stay and rub your feet, girls, but I have men to seduce," You said over your shoulder, making Two-Bit laugh. You looked forwards and noticed the two men he was sitting with.

"(Y/N), this is Dallas and Ponyboy. Pony, Dally, this is (Y/N)." You waved to them. Ponyboy waved back, happily, and Dallas nodded at you.

"Those dames you were with were some bitches," Dallas said, making you sign and look over at them. They were all quietly eating and were flushed red with anger and embarrassment. You shrugged, accepting the piece of cake from Ponyboy. Dallas and Ponyboy then got up and said they had somewhere to be, leaving you and Two-Bit alone.

"I'm sorry about him," Two-Bit said, referring to Dallas.

"Don't be. They were. I just wasted my paycheck on them only for them to call me ugly," You said after finishing the bite of cake you had in your mouth, "Thank you for the cake. You didn't have to lie and say you ordered too many."

"Well, I didn't know what else to say. I planned to call them names but the moment you looked at me, I lost my train of thought," Two-Bit admitted, making you smile softly, "I have a football game to get to... Would you like the come? It's free and I know the guy, so we can go to his place after and have dinner."

"Are you asking me out on a date, Two-Bit?" You joked, but he nodded, smiling lopsidedly at you. You gave him a similar smile and nodded. "Of course, I'll go with you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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