Falling in Love Isn't Hard | Ponyboy

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"No!" (Y/N) held (Y/P) nose as (Y/P) snorted, "No, he didn't-"

"But he did," Sarah exclaimed over the table at the Dingo, "He literally dropped the hotdog, looked around, then picked it up to eat it! He wiped the dirt and stuff off of it and ate it!- There he is-" Sarah pointed at the male who walked in with three other guys.

"Yo, he's always down there at the DX where Sodapop works," Jessica gushed as she looked at the man, "Think his name was like Two-Bite or something, always drunk though." (Y/N) giggled into (Y/P) milkshake as (Y/P) eyes closed softly.

One boy looked around and his greenish-grey eyes landed on a mess of (H/C) hair. His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. His heart sped up and jumped through hoops like a basketball.

"Ooo, does little Ponyboy have a crush on the stunning looker over there?" Two-Bit chuckled and nudged the younger boy with his shoulder. Ponyboy shook his head to clear his thoughts and pushed air through his lips, making a sound like 'pfft'.

"I do not. (Y/P)'s just... (Y/P)'s perfect," Ponyboy tried to say something different but it won't come out, "Wait- no- (Y/P)'s not perfect- well, (Y/P) is but I didn't mean to say that."

"Sure," Two-Bit laughed to himself as he looked at the booth behind (Y/N) and (Y/P) friends, "Then we can go sit behind them if you don't have a crush on (Y/P)."

"Two-Bit," Ponyboy said through his teeth but he had already walked over to the booth, "What the hell, dude?!"

"You know how Two-Bit can get," Johnny whispered and followed Dallas as he walked over and sat directly behind (Y/N) with a smirk.

"Dallas," Ponyboy whispered harshly with a glare. Dallas' smirk only grew wider.

"So, what the fuck is the deal with this place?" Dallas asked, not expecting an answer. (Y/N)'s back tensed, (Y/P) didn't like swearing really. (Y/P) ignored Dallas and carried on with listening to (Y/P) friends, "Man, I could go for a good fucking, you know? Just one good night in the sheets with a fine-ass woman. Her skin warm and soft. Might let her suck my-"

"I'm sorry but what you are saying is interrupting my meal," (Y/N) said after (Y/P) turned and looked at the male, "I understand that you may have a hard time comprehending the meaning of shutting up, but I'm going to teach you real quick, okay?"

Dallas looked sotic for a moment but his dull eyes widened slightly.

"Okay, you see my lips?" (Y/N) pointed to (Y/P) mouth while (Y/P) lips stayed parted, "Yeah, now do this- press them together and don't move them. See, easy."

Dallas' thin lips parted somewhat and (Y/P) sighed.

"You done messed up," (Y/N) said and turned around. Dallas slowly turned back to his group of people.

"Pony, if you don't get with (Y/P), I might. I don't know but the way (Y/P) just spoke to me..." Dallas made a noise in the back of his throat, "I gotta go."

"Dally, you're so gross," Two-Bit said but he was laughing.

"Hey, I like what I like," Dallas said and shrugged his shoulders as he climbed out of the booth and walked outside with his hands in his pockets.

"-It's not that I didn't like what he was saying, hell I could go from a good night in the sheets right now, but it was him who was saying it." Ponyboy overheard (Y/N) whisper to (Y/P) friends.

"So, you didn't have a problem with what he said but you had a problem with it because he said it?" (Y/P) friend with red hair asked, confused.

"Yeah, now if that boy in the red shirt said that, I would have volunteered," (Y/N) admitted with a large blush and (Y/P) friends 'oohed' at (Y/P). Ponyboy looked at Johnny's and Two-Bit's outfit closely and noticed no red. Ponyboy, however, was wearing a red shirt with a blue jacket over it. His cheeks heated up and he looked at the table. The other two didn't see to have heard (Y/P) and it only made Ponyboy more embarrassed.

"Hey, I, uh, I wanted to apologize for Dally," Ponyboy said and rubbed his neck as he looked at (Y/N), "He can be like that around new people but he's a real... he's an okay person to be friends with."

"It's okay," (Y/N) reassured him with a small smile, "I'm (Y/N) by the way, (Y/F/L)."

"Ponyboy Curtis," Ponyboy introduced himself with a lightened grin, "I think we have the same English class, now that I look at you closely."

"Syme? Old, little squashed guy?" (Y/N) asked and Ponyboy nodded quickly with a wide grin, "Wow. I don't pay attention well, do I? I don't see how I could overlook you like that, with you being real handsome and all." (Y/N) blushed gently and Ponyboy's ears burnt.

"No one's called me handsome since my mom," Ponyboy admitted.

"I don't see why," (Y/N) said as (Y/P) played with the rim of (Y/P) shirt, "You're really good looking, almost like the people who model them weird things on late-night television. Those info commercials that no one buys but they run all the time."

Ponyboy grinned with pride. The closest thing to someone saying something like that to him was Sherri when she said that he and his brother, Sodapop, looked alike. (Y/N) beamed brightly back.

"We have to get going but I hope to see you around, Pony," (Y/N) said as (Y/P) stood up. Grabbing (Y/P) bag, (Y/N) faced Ponyboy with the same, eye squinting smile.

"Oh, of course, (Y/N)," Ponyboy confirmed (Y/N)'s suggestion, (Y/P) waved as (Y/P) and (Y/P) friends walked towards the door after paying for their meal.

"So, you in love, love?"

"Shut up, Two-Bit."



Word Count: 942 

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