A Place To Stay | Dallas

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Coldness was all the person felt as (Y/P) ran through the ice that fell from the darkened skies. With each drop of rain the hit (Y/P), (Y/P) grew slower, weaker. (Y/P)'s been running for a while now.

(Y/P) father had hit (Y/P) --- again and (Y/P) had enough of it. (Y/P) didn't know where (Y/P) feet were taking (Y/P) but (Y/P) knew that (Y/P) heart wasn't going to take (Y/P) somewhere bad. Soon enough, (Y/P) tripped on the stairs of a house.

An old, surprisingly loud house. Someone was here that (Y/P) feet took (Y/P) too, the person just knew. (Y/P) weakly pushed (Y/P)-self up and wobbly knocked on the door. (Y/P) almost thought that (Y/P) didn't knock loud enough for them to hear (Y/P) over the music but the door opened.

(Y/P) came face to chest with someone. (Y/P) looked up, shaking violently and stuttering as (Y/P) tried to talk, "W-w-where I-I-I 'm-m?"

The man seemed to get annoyed but knew what (Y/P) meant, "Are you stupid or something kid? You're at Bucks. Why the hell are you out here in the rain?"

Buck... Buck... (Y/P)'s heard his name before... As (Y/P) eyes close tiredly, (Y/P) started mumbling, "Dawwy, here? Is? Here? Dallaw?"

"Dallaw, Dawwy?!? You mean Dallas Winston?!"

"Yeah! Yeah, Dallas... Is here he?"

"I don't know, are you drunk? I don't smell beer on you. I'll get find him, come in out of the rain," the 'kind' man helped (Y/P) shaking form in. The warmness hugged (Y/P) like a blanket (Y/P) wished (Y/P) had. (Y/P) colour was coming back.

"Dallas! Someone's here for you!" The man from before shouted as he walked around, "I know you're here because I watched you walk in."

He moved to the upstairs and knocked on doors before opening them. The last door he opened, he looked in to see Dallas passed out on the bed. He didn't smell of alcohol though as the man moved closer to him.

"Dallas get up, someone's here for you," the man shook Dally.

Dally's face screwed up in anger as he woke up, "Who is it, Jeff? God, they can't be that important that you had to wake me."

"I don't know, you jackass."

"You should have asked, you dipshit."

"(Y/P) had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (Y/P) was short."

"I know a lot of (H/C)-haired people."

"Oh my god, um, (S/T) skin and (E/C) eyes. Never had I seen anything like them an-"

"(Y/N)?!" Dallas was up in less than a second, pulling some pants on as he ran out the door and into the wall in front of the door. He used it to shoot himself down the hall.

Dallas' icy blue eyes scanned the crowd of drunk or tipsy people as they rubbed up on different people. He started to panic when he couldn't see (Y/P). His head jumped at the god-like sound, his eyes travelled around and he saw the back of (Y/N)'s head.

He waved his way through the people and got closer to (Y/N) to hear (Y/P) laughing loudly. The drunken guy next to (Y/P) chuckled as Dally walked up next to (Y/P).

"Your (boy/girl) is hilarious, Dallas."

"(Y/P) ain't my (boy/girl), Buck, and I'll be taking (Y/P) now."

"Mhm, so... I can have (Y/P) then?"

Dally glared at Buck as he grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulders causing Buck to laugh. (Y/N) leaned into his warmth and Dally just noticed (Y/P) was soaked.

"(Y/N), why are you soaked? Did you walk in the rain?!"

"Mm, I didn't walk. I ran."

"That's worst! Why you run in the damn rain?"

"My father hit me again and I had enough, so I ran and it started to pour."

"I'mma kill him one day and not care."

(Y/N) just hummed at him and tried to snuggle into him as they walked up the stairs. He held (Y/P) at a distant, shaking his head.

"I love you, (Y/N), but I ain't gettin' wet for you."

"You love me?"

"Of course I love you, you knucklehead."

"But Dally doesn't love anyone but maybe Johnny."

"Maybe Dally doesn't know how to show love because he hasn't been shown love."

"Maybe there's someone now to show him the love he deserves."

"Maybe I have a feeling I know who it is."

"Maybe you're right."


(Y/N) jumped as Dally yelled at the male that let (Y/P) into the house. Jeff jumped up and ran out the door, laughing.

(Y/N) giggled as Dally looked around to find something unknown to (Y/N). (Y/P) rubbed (Y/P) arms as (Y/P) closed that door. (Y/P) quickly pulled the soaked black shirt off of (Y/P) irritated skin, red dots poked at (Y/P) body from wearing wet clothes. [(Y/P) unbuckled (Y/P) bra and held it against (Y/P) breasts.] (Only the girls)

Dally coughed as he picked up the white shirt he had on earlier. He turned around to give it to (Y/N) but nearly fell in doing so. (Y/N) turned around and smiled at Dally, unfazed by the fact (Y/P) was [basically] topless in front of him. His cheeks heated up as he held his shirt out.

After pulling the shirt on, (Y/P) sniffed and got a noseful of Dally. His natural scent mixed with a hint of cologne that Sodapop got him(that drove (Y/N) crazy when (Y/P) smells it.) (Y/P) had trouble getting (Y/P) wet skinny jeans off but (Y/P) managed. (Y/P) pulled on a pair of boxers that Dally found in one of the drawers of the dress.

Dally hopped on the bed, still only in his jeans, as (Y/N) softly walked over to the side. Dallas watched (Y/P) intensely as (Y/P) slowly crawled (Y/P) way on the bed. (Y/P) kept (Y/P) eyes locked on his, as (Y/P) straddled his lap. (Y/P) eyes were widened with innocence as (Y/P) lips parted, showing (Y/P) pearly whites.

"What are you doing?" Dally tried to not stutter, mentally patting his back in not doing so, as his hands twitched.

"Nothing," (Y/N) even laced (Y/P) voice with innocence, "I just wanted to sit somewhere comfy and your lap seems like the best place."

Dally shook his head at (Y/P) before rolling over on his side and his back facing the door, (Y/N) squealed. Dally smiled [warmly] but it was too dark for (Y/P) to see.

"You look good in my shirt, you know?"

(Y/N) blushed lightly as (Y/P) smiled at him. (Y/P) buried (Y/P) face into his chest as (Y/P) legs stayed around his waist and (Y/P) arms went around his neck. Dally wrapped his arms around (Y/P) waist protectively.

"Go to sleep, princess, I'll be here when you wake up," Dally kissed the top of (Y/P) head as (Y/P) snuggled more into him. (Y/N) happily dozed off in his strong arms, feeling safer than before the night started.



Word Count: 1254

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