Cake Face | Two-Bit

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It was a normal day really for this person. It was sunny and cool, just reaching the peak of fall. They didn't have much to do, but they missed those greasy freaks so they were going to visit the Curtis' house.

By the time (Y/P) got there Darrel, Sodapop, and Steve were leaving for work. Soda and Steve tackled (Y/P) to the ground shouting how much they missed (Y/P). Darrel shook his head as he hugged (Y/N) when the other two let (Y/P) up.

"Two-Bit's inside with the chocolate cake," Soda winked. He dunked from (Y/N)'s hand as (Y/P) swang at him, "Hey!"

They all waved bye and (Y/N) walked inside quietly. Ponyboy opened his mouth to shout 'hey' but (Y/N) shush him. He raised a brow as she slowly snuck up behind the oblivious Two-Bit. He was bending over the table a little, cutting the cake in half.

(Y/N) was standing behind him trying not to laugh. (Y/P) slowly brought (Y/P) hands up only to quickly smashed Two-Bit's face into the cake. (Y/P) started to laugh as (Y/P) ran off.

"(Y/N)!" His voice was muffled into the chocolate that was stuck in his mouth when he pulled his face up. He wiped his eyes and glared at Ponyboy.

Pony pointed in the direction that (Y/N) went, scared he'll get beat up. Two-Bit was uneasily calm as he walked down the hall towards Pony's and Soda's room. (Y/N) held a hand over (Y/P) mouth as (Y/P) stopped (Y/P) breathing.

As Two-Bit walked further into the room, (Y/N) tried to run out but he caught (Y/P) by the arm. (Y/P) (E/C) orbs widened as Two-Bit rubbed his face all over (Y/P)s. They both laughed as the cake was everywhere on them.

"You caused this," Two-Bit finally pulled away from (Y/N) but kept holding (Y/P) arms, "You really did."

(Y/N) let out a hearty laugh and (Y/P) wiped (Y/P) eyes as he did again, "I know, but it was worth it."

"How so?" He chuckled, already knowing what (Y/P) meant. (Y/P) leant closer to him.

"Because," (Y/P) (L/S) lips ghosted over his, "I get to have chocolate kisses." (Y/P) pushed (Y/P) chocolate cherry flavour lips against his in a gentle kiss.

"Best kisses are the chocolate kisses."


"Gross," Pony faked a gag as he pushed by them, "Gross, guys."

(Y/N) laughed as (Y/P) arms laid against Two-Bit's neck, "Do shut up, Pony. You'll find someone to tolerate you enough to kiss you."

Two-Bit laughed and Pony gasped, holding his chest, "How could you?! Everyone loves more!"

(Y/N) hummed as Two-Bit hid his face in (Y/P) neck to hide his snickering, "Everyone but the world."

"That doesn't make sense, (Y/N)."

"You don't make sense."

Two-Bit was dying into (Y/P) neck, (Y/P) sent overpowering the chocolate stuck in his nose. (Y/P) couldn't believe (Y/P) got this lucky to be friends with these greasy guys.

"Hope you know, you have to make more cake because Soda wanted some when he gets home."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, but right now I'm going to kiss my Mickey."

"And I'm not letting my Minnie/Mickey go just yet."

"Y'all are so shameless. It's gross. I'm going to Goofy my way out of here."

(Y/N) and Two-Bit was laughing as Pony walked out of the room with a smile at his friends. You find friends in the weirdest people, don't you?



Word Count: 623

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