Dead? | Dallas

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The cold body of the man that (Y/P) grew to admire. The man (Y/P) looked up too, the man that showed (Y/P) love is now laying in a pile of his own blood.

The (Light/dark)-haired person couldn't move nor speak. No matter how bad (Y/P) tried, (Y/P) couldn't. It's like being stuck on a problem from school and no be able to get passed it.

(Y/P) body shook violently as (Y/P) screamed and shouted in (Y/P) head, (Y/P) was moving in (Y/P) mind but (Y/P) body stayed. The man looked up with tearful eyes and blood matted in his white hair. He smiled through the pain.

"I-I-I lo-love y-yo-you, (Y)-(Y)-(Yy/)-(Y/N)..." His voice broke as he fell back down and his icy blue eyes clouded over.

(Y/N) 'screamed' as tears fell silently.

I-I love y-you too, D-Dally.

(Y/P) (E/C) orbs widened as (Y/P) woke up in a cold sweat, the clock reading 1:08 AM. (Y/P) face was wet as was (Y/P) pillow. (Y/P) body shook with the rhythm of the rain.

Before (Y/P) could realize that it was just a dream, two strong and warm arms wrapped around (Y/P) before pulling (Y/P) closer to his chest.

"Shhh, (Y/N), it's going to be okay. I promise," Dally lightly whisper in (Y/P) ear, his voice still laced with sleep. He softly kissed (Y/P) forehead before (Y/P) closed (Y/P) eyes again, "now go back to bed, baby. I won't let anything happen, ever."

The early rays of sunlight poked through the blinds, and laying across the sleeping couple. The breathtaking orbs slowly opened and looked around the glowing room.

"Good morning, beautiful."

(Y/N) looked to where the husky voice came from to see Dally looking at (Y/P) with a small smile. His arms were still safely wrapped around (Y/P), securing (Y/P).

"Good morning, handsome."



Word Count: 345

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