Bloodied and Bruised | Steve

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"Hell- what happened to you, Steve?" Sodapop exclaimed loudly, the door banging shut behind a dark brown-haired boy. His face was pale and blood was dried on his nose and lips.

"What do you think?" Steve bit, sounding much harsher than he intended. His left pant leg was darker than the right and his jacket was ripped, "I need to lay down." Steve ran a hand through his hair and Sodapop noticed his arm had blood on it too.

As soon as Sodapop and Ponyboy's door shut, the front door opened again. A (H/C)-haired person walked in with a wide smile.

"Heya, Soda! Is Steve at work?" (Y/N) asked as (Y/P) took (Y/P) shoes off. Sodapop shook his head.

"No. He's in my room," Sodapop responded.

"Is he trying to sleep finally?" (Y/N) joked as (Y/P) plopped down next to the boy, "I can't remember the last time he slept properly."

"No, I think he is a little to beaten up to sleep," Sodapop said, "Uh, pun unintended." (Y/N) narrowed (Y/P) eyes as (Y/P) stared forwards before glaring at Sodapop.

"What? Did he get beat up? By who? Is he okay? Is anything broken?" (Y/N) questioned but got up on (Y/P) own and quickly walked back to the room Steve was in.

"Leave me alone, Soda. I got this handled," Steve muttered angerly. His back was facing the door and his pants were off. If (Y/N) wasn't worried as much as (Y/P) was, (Y/P) would have thought he was playing with himself.

"Well, guess since I'm not Soda, I can stay." (Y/N) let the door close and (Y/P) walked around the bed. Steve had his leg stretched in front of him and blood was running down his leg from a cut on his thigh, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Steve quickly placed the wet rag he had on the cut to hide it from (Y/N)'s view but (Y/P) already saw it. Rolling (Y/P) eyes, (Y/N) walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Courtesy of (Y/P)self- (Y/P) found the first-aid kit under the sink. (Y/P) made the Curtis' brothers keep one in case of emergencies like so.

"Move your hand," (Y/N) said after (Y/P) walked into the room again. Steve already knew that (Y/N) wasn't going to give this up so he complied. (Y/N) got on (Y/P) knees in between Steve's legs and pulled the rag away from him. (Y/P) opened the box and pulled a couple of alcohol pads out. Disinfecting the cut, (Y/N) carefully looked at it, "It's not too bad. You don't need stitches at least."

Steve didn't say anything but all he can think about is how wrong this would look if someone walked in. (Y/N) softly placed a gauze pad on it before wrapping his leg. Steve held his hand out and (Y/N) used another alcohol pad to clean the small cuts there. (Y/P) wrapped his right hand with gauze before getting up on the bed. (Y/P) used the rag to clean the blood off of his face.

"Was it the Socs?" (Y/N) asked as (Y/P) carefully wiped Steve's nose. He didn't say anything but the look in his eyes was enough. The soft brown was glossy and distant. Steve flinched backwards and (Y/N) apologised gently as (Y/P) placed a small bandage to the tint cut on his nose, "Hey, guess what?"

"What?" Steve said and focused on (Y/N). (Y/P) gave him a small smile before peaking his lips. His eyes widened and he forgot the pain in his body. A large, lip splitting smile overtook his pained features. He leaned towards (Y/N) and he kissed (Y/P) longer than (Y/P) did him. (Y/P) kissed him back carefully.

"Steve." (Y/N) giggled. (Y/P) pulled back, "I can taste your blood."

"I mean," Steve said and raised his eyebrows. (Y/N) made a face and Steve chuckled, "I'm sorry." He wasn't.

"Shut up so I can clean your lip," (Y/N) mumbled as (Y/P) pushed the rag against his lips tenderly. Steve smiled at (Y/P) causing (Y/P) to cast a blank glare at him. He only chuckled.

"Thanks," Steve said gently after (Y/N) finished patching him, "I could have done this myself but I'm glad you helped me."

"Of course, Steve." (Y/N) smiled lightly as (Y/P) (E/C) orbs traced his bruised features, "I have one question."

"Shoot," Steve said as he touched the bandage under his lip.

"Do you have to name of the person, or people, who did this?"

"(Y/N), no."

"If you won't tell me, I'll find out myself."

"(Y/N), I will tackle you."



Word Count: 752 

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