Leaving | Johnny

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"Hey-a, Johnny!" (Y/N) laughed as (Y/P) sat next to the boy who let a loud screech out, "Didn't mean to scare ya, just got tired of my mom beating my dad, y'know?" (Y/N) sighed.

"You didn't scare me," Johnny defended himself, "Just... startled me, is all." Johnny flattened his jean jacket collar as his cheeks tinted a darker colour.

"Sure," (Y/N) hummed softly and Johnny shoved (Y/P) gently, "What's got you out here gummily?"

"Parents, man," Johnny sighed and looked up at the dark sky. (Y/N) smiled at him sadly and followed his eyes, "It's so big, isn't it?"

"What's so big?" (Y/N) asked lightly.

"The world," Johnny answered, "The sky, the ocean, everything is so big. There are places where I could never even imagine of. There are places where I know I could never visit. I know that Kentucky is a real place because I learned it in school but it seems so... fake, unrealistic, fantasy because I know I won't ever see it."

"Wow. I didn't know you thought of the world like that..." (Y/N) muttered and looked at him. Johnny turned his head and looked at (Y/P) with a shrug.

"You probably thought I thought of the world like a cold, dark, terrible place. Somewhere where everyone plays their part and dies-"

"No," (Y/N) cut him off and his eyes widened, "That's not it. I just didn't think you thought of it as this place full of wonderment, excitement. I thought you saw it as a blain and boring thing you're stuck in."

"Oh." Johnny could only form a mutter as he looked down then back to the sky. These white specks littered that black blanket that wrapped half of the earth.

"We could just go," (Y/N) suggested after a long period of silence.

"What?" Johnny's voice was shocked and loud but (Y/N) thought he didn't understand.

"We could just go," (Y/N) repeated (Y/P)self, "Just leave. 'Bout the only thing we have here is the gang. My parents think I'm some hobo living with them instead of their child. Your parents don't care. We can go to Kentucky, or that large place, Texas I think. Somewhere new and welcoming, y'know?"

"Are you serious?" Johnny didn't know if (Y/N) was being serious or not, (Y/P) looked and sounded serious but that's (Y/P). (Y/P) could be talking about the fakest thing and make you believe it because (Y/P) sounded so serious, "Like, for real?"

"Completely." (Y/N) looked him in the eyes, dark brown on (E/C). Johnny could see (Y/P)'s serious by the way (Y/P) eyes traced his face for any resentence.

"Yes," Johnny didn't even think of it as he replied, "Yeah, let's do it." (Y/N) felt this new feeling filled (Y/P) stomach and (Y/P) smiled widely. Johnny and (Y/P) set off as soon as daylight broke.



Word Count: 469 

Nothing Can Stay | The Outsiders One-ShotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang