The Abusive Father | Darrel

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 "(Y/N), where's that bruise from?" (Y/N)'s (E/C) orbs widened as (Y/P) looked down at (Y/P) arm. (Y/P) didn't think it left a bruise. It sat nastily against (Y/P) (S/C) skin and added to the imperfectness (Y/P) already had.

"I fell down the steps after my sister pushed me," (Y/N) said and laughed lightly, "Went down like a sack of potatoes if you hear me." Darrel rolled his eyes at the person.

"Does it hurt? It looks pretty bad from just falling down the stairs," Darrel asked (Y/N) and (Y/P) rolled (Y/P) eyes at him.

"I don't feel it," (Y/N) lied and touched it to prove (Y/P) didn't feel it. Pain shook (Y/P) fingers but (Y/P) had a blank face. Darrel gave (Y/P) that look before mentally brushing it off, "Now, can I get a hug? I haven't seen you since yesterday."

Darrel chuckled but developed (Y/N) into a hug. (Y/N) let the pain shift onto (Y/P) face when his arms laid tightly against the bruises on (Y/P) back. Sighing softly, (Y/N) knew (Y/P) was safe in his arms.

"What happened to your face?!" Ponyboy shouted lightly as (Y/N) walked into the Curtis' home. (Y/N) grimaced harshly as the loud noise made (Y/P) head shake.

"Socs," (Y/N) lied as (Y/P) sat on the couch with (Y/P) eyes closed. No one questioned (Y/P) answer but instead, the brothers helped (Y/N) clean up.

"What are they doing over here this late?" Darrel asked as he looked at the time: 03:01 AM. (Y/N) shrugged as (Y/P) held a rag full of ice to (Y/P) eye.

"Hell if I know," (Y/N) muttered and a heavy sigh fell from (Y/P) lips.

"Is this bruise from them too? It looks kind of old," Sodapop questioned as he pointed to a purplish-yellow bruise on (Y/P) neck.

"No, it's from home. My da-" (Y/N) stopped (Y/P)self mid-word, "My sister- my sister punched me in the throat because I broke her doll." Sodapop nodded and Ponyboy seemed too tired to notice the hiccup in (Y/P) sentence but Darrel caught it. He pushed it aside and found (Y/N) a blanket so (Y/P) could sleep.

"Oh my god!" Johnny exclaimed as Dallas walked in with (Y/N) draped over his shoulders by (Y/P) arms, "What happened?" Steve and Sodapop moved off of the couch and Dallas laid (Y/N) down.

"(Y/P) wanted to give me my switchblade back so I walked with (Y/P) to (Y/P) house. After (Y/P) gave it to me, I went to leave but heard yelling. I didn't think anything of it until (Y/P) father was holding (Y/P) by the neck and dragging (Y/P) out of the house, calling (Y/P) names after names," Dallas explained, "The name that got me was 'whore'. I'll admit, I've heard people and I myself have called many women whores, but there's a line when it comes to (Y/N)."

"Why haven't you told us that your father beats you, (Y/N)?" Ponyboy asked softly. (Y/N) pursed (Y/P) lips to say something but couldn't speak.

"(Y/P) throat is probably messed up because that bastard threw (Y/P) to the ground before kicking (Y/P). He got (Y/P) square in the neck," Dallas said, strangely calm. Darrel sat silently in the back of everyone and (Y/P) reached out towards him. He squatted in front of (Y/P) and took (Y/P) hand.

"'Arr," (Y/N)'s voice was whistly as (Y/P) spoke, "'M sorrr...sou uff toff ooo."

"It's okay," Darrel reassured (Y/P) though he didn't know what (Y/P) said, "I have to go, though. I have work to do. They'll be here for you, okay?" (Y/N) let a low whistle leave (Y/P) busted lips as (Y/P) tried to talk. Darrel took a deep breath in and held it. He kissed (Y/N)'s forehead before getting up.

"You just got home from work," Sodapop whispered after he followed Darrel out of the house.

"I know," Darrel said as he almost tripped down the stairs trying to get his shoes on, "Never once said I was going to work." Sodapop watched him walk down the street in the direction of (Y/N)'s house. Sodapop sighed but was with him- (Y/P) father was in for a hell of a ride when Darrel gets there.

"(Y/N), why didn't you tell us before?" Darrel laid in his bed, holding (Y/N) on his chest with their legs in a tangled mess.

"I didn't want to bother you guys with my problem," (Y/N) whispered, (Y/P) voice scratchy and nasally, "It wasn't nothing I couldn't handle."

"(Y/N)," Darrel said, his voice stern and demanding, "He did all the other beatings too, didn't he?"

Darrel didn't wait for an answer before talking again.

"He got what was coming for him. He was going to get more but the neighbours threatened to call the cops on me," Darrel rumbled as his hands tightened softly over (Y/P) back. (Y/N) listened to him with (Y/P) ear on his chest, "And, that's what the gang is for- to help you with your problems when needed, (Y/N)."

"I-I was scared," (Y/N) whispered, tears in (Y/P) eyes, "I-I don't know w-what my father is capable of d-doing and I didn't know i-if he would find out that I told s-someone."

"It's okay to be scared sometimes, (Y/N)," Darrel said after a short moment of silence shared between them. (Y/N) sniffled but kept quiet as (Y/P) traced shaped on his puffed-up chest, "Just sleep, okay? I'll be here when you wake." (Y/N)'s breath came out in a shutter and (Y/P) closed (Y/P) eyes. (Y/P) felt his hand lightly rub (Y/P) back to help pull (Y/P) to sleep.



Word Count: 904 

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