Chapter thirteen~ Hollis

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"I cant show you the dress! But I'll tell you the coloring of it immediately"We after." I replied.

"Why not? Its not like its our wedding and thats your wedding dress." He stated.

"Yeah well might as well be. Its a surprise. Kinda a type of payback for costume stunt." I said with a grin.

"Ugh fine." He groaned.

I smiled at that. It was nice how our relationship didnt make anything awkward or different. Well yes it was different because he was no my boyfriend and we did coupley things but he was still my best friend and I loved that.

"Well Holls, I should get going. I was supposed to be back last night." Owen pointed out.

I didnt want him to go but he was right. And I had to get ready anyways.

I groaned and wore a sad expression,  "Your'e leaving meee."

He hugged me, "Not for long sunshine. Go get ready and hang with with the girls and you'll hardly remember me by the end of the day."

I laughed, "ugh fine. Not even possible to forget you though, nice try."

"Now you know how I feel." He stood up and I stood up as well.

"Bye Holls." He said to me.

"Goodbye O." I replied.

He kissed me on the lips and said, "I love you."

"I love you." I said to him.

He started backing away from the doorway. He pointed to his eyes, then heart, then me.

I laughed. And he walked down the stairs and out the front door.


I had been spending the last two hours styling my hair and doing my stupid makeup. Sometimes I really hated being a self conscious girl. It was really inconvenient for every day when I go out to have to curl my hair and do my makeup. I was just grateful I was finally done with that all and I had a few minutes to myself before the girls got here.

I laid down in bed and opened up instagram. After getting bored of that I went on pintrest and tried to figure out what type of style dress I wanted.

I didnt really get much from that though. All I knew was no obnoxious colors and knee length or so.

My phone started vibrating and I looked at the incoming call. Sydney.

"We'e here." She said.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I replied and ended the call.

I grabbed my purse off the dresser and slipped on a pair of vans and ran out my room and down the stairs.

When I reached the kicthen I saw my mom in the kitchen trying to make something.

"Mom I'm going to head out, is that fine?" I asked her.

"With Owen?" She asked me.

"No, hoco dress shopping with Beck's girlfriend and Liam's girlfriend." I replied.

She went into the fridge and grabbed a few eggs, "Okay thats fine. Do you need the card or car?"

I shook my head, "No i got it all covered."

"Okay. Have fun and text me updates." She said.

I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek, "I will. Love you."

"Love you Holli."She replied.

I walked out the front door and saw a gray camry parked outside.

I ran up to it and opened the backseat door.

Accidentally On PurposeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz