20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw

Start from the beginning

"I agree." Alicia and I say at the same time.

We go for dinner in the great hall then go to bed and I fall asleep pretty quickly, excited for the game tomorrow.

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We were all sitting at the table eating breakfast when Harry walked in with the boys from his dorm behind him as he carried the Firebolt and everyone from different houses came over to look at the broom including Cedric along with Percy and his girlfriend Penelope who was from Ravenclaw.

"Now, now penny no sabotage!" Percy said as his girlfriend examined the broom.

"We have a bet going on," Percy told me and the rest of the team, "ten gallons on the outcome of the match."

Penelope put down the Firebolt then thanked Harry and went back to her table.

"Make sure you win," Percy said, "I haven't got ten galleons. Yes, penny, I'm coming" he walked off and we continued eating.

"I still can't believe Percy had a girlfriend before us he is so boring," Fred said in a huff.

"He is two years older than you and why are you sulking and I not your girlfriend or something?" I ask him.

"Of course you are." He said as he shoved food into his mouth.

I saw Harry and Ron having a conversation with their fellow peers from Slytherin, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours Malfoy," I assumed we was taking about brooms and the whole quidditch team cracked up.

After eating and talking for a bit we set off to the changing room.

We then heard the rest of the school coming down to watch and Oliver gave some speech as he usually would.

We walk onto the pitch with applause coming from everyone in the stands which always made me a tad nervous. The Ravenclaw team were already there it was a team with all boys excluding the seeker Cho Chang whereas our team had three girls, all of the chasers.

The captains shake hands and Madam Pooch started talking, "mount your brooms, on my whistle. Three... two... one."

We all kicked off and I kicked off with my nimbus 2001.

Lee was up to it with his usual commentary and he sounded like he was being paid to advertise the new Firebolt.

"They are off and the hug excitement for the match is the Firebolt which Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor. According to Witch Broomstick, the Firebolt is going to be the broom of choice for his years World Championship-" before he could continue he was cut off by McGonagall.

"Jordan would you mind telling us what is going on in the game." She tells him as Alicia, Angelina and I got in formation.

"Gryffindor in possession, y/n Avery heading for the goal and she scores.

The three of us girls focus on the quaffle not paying attention to much of what Lee was saying I then hear wood from behind me shout at Harry.


After a couple of minutes he catches the snitch and the whole Gryffindor team go mad and Oliver kept yelling "that's my boy." I thought he was going to cry and I pull Harry into a massive hug and the rest of the team joined in.

"Come on Harry! Party, Gryffindor common room now!" George says and I cheer along with the rest of the team.

- - - -

With the adrenaline and energy it felt as if we had just won the quidditch cup, Fred, George and myself disappeared and came back with bottles of butterbeer and bags full of Honeydukes sweets.

Everyone was a bit puzzled to how we got it but with help from the Marauders map that's how we got it all.

We were all enjoying the party except Hermione who had her head in a book.

"Here's a butterbeer for my love," Fred said as he handed me a butterbeer.

"Thank you Freddie," I say with a smile on my face.

Some muggle music came on that I never heard before but Fred pulled me into the centre of the room for a dance and other people joined in like Melody and Jack and we were all laughing away, it felt like the best day ever.

The party died down and there was still quite a few people left most of the younger years had now gone off to bed.

Fred and I ended up sneaking to his dorm but after some pretty exciting kissing and the tiredness falling over the both of us we fell asleep snuggled up together until we were woken up by screaming.

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A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter 3 chapters in one day may push it to a forth one if I feel up to it.

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