chapter 9: code word

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Eloise walked beside Carol as they walked up towards the gate of Alexandria

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Eloise walked beside Carol as they walked up towards the gate of Alexandria. Eloise felt someone watching her making her quickly turn to the church just outside the gate and she could've sworn she saw a girl staring at her at the window but as soon as Eloise blinked, she was gone.

The garbage can right next to Daryl clatters and the group was quick to turn around, Daryl instantly killing the possum running away from the trash. "We brought dinner." Daryl cooly says to the man at the gate as Eloise bit back her smile.

"It's okay. Come in guys." Aaron sweetly says and the groups slowly walks into the community, Eloise slightly jumping at the loud noise of the gate closing.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons." Eloise held onto her knife tighter as she slowly tucked it. in her jeans so they wouldn't see it just in case. "Stay, you hand them over."

"We don't know if we wanna stay. If we were gonna use them, we would have started already." Rick snarled and Aaron quickly got in between them. "Let them talk to Deanna first."

"Who's Deanna?" Abraham asked, stepping forward to stand next Eloise. "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start."


One by one, the group was pulled into Deanna's office until it was Lou's turn.

"Hello, I'm Deanna Monroe." The woman sweetly said as she gestured for Eloise to sit in the chair across from the couch the woman was taking a seat in. "Uh... Eloise Atkinson."

Eloise looked up, right ahead of her and saw a camera. "Are you filming this?" Deanna only nodded her head, sitting on the edge of the couch. "I am. Is that alright with you?"

Eloise shifted in her seat before reluctantly nodding her head.

"How long have you been out there, Eloise?" Deanna asked and Lou scrunched her face, trying to remember. "About a few months after it started."

"I asked Carol and she said she found you a mere few months ago. Who were you with at the beginning?"

"My brother, Jasper." Eloise spoke quieter than she did before.

"Jasper... I don't think there was a Jasper in your grou-" "There isn't. I was with him up until two months before I met Carol, we got split up."

"Oh, well that's just awful." Deanna sighed and Eloise scrunched her face a little a her words before remembering she was being filmed and quickly contained her face.

"What about your parents? What happened to them?" Deanna asked, picking up on Lou's uncomfortable state, and trying to sound more calm than demanding.

"Um... I never knew my dad. Or at least I did but I was too young to remember him and my mom worked in the center of Atlanta. My mom was at work the first night of all of this and they blew up Atlanta that night. Mom never came home." Eloise mumbled, loud enough for Deanna to hear as she played with her fingers.

Night Changes || Carl Grimesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें