Chapter 9

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The picture above doesn't belong to me 

Crystal was going about her business on her computer one Saturday morning just browsing through the internet thinking about maybe finding some online game to play for fun.  

 It was Saturday so she didn't really have work until much later and she had basically finished up all of her homework the day before.   She was just thinking about what she might be able to get on when. . .

Zak come in they the window. pretty fast too.

Crystal smiled as  put her laptop off to the side and hopped off the bed. Crystal walked over to zak.he hadn't even looked at her when he had flown into the room straight to the desk.Crystal let her smile fall as she saw standing next to zak that he wasn't acting right. 

 "Hey "Crystal said trying to sound kind but not to worried. "Is everything okay?" She asked when he still hadn't acknowledged her.

 "Yeah " said zak sounding and looking  fidgety as hell.still not turning to really look at her.just continuing to ruffle around papers.

Crystal could tell he wasn't acting like himself at all. Zak never looked this scattered brain or nervous before. Crystal layed a hand on his shoulder. " what's wrong? " she asked worried now.

He just shook off her hand gently. " ooh nothing. It's nothing. . .umm everything fine. " he said sounding like he was almost trying to convince himself more then her. Nervousness coated his entire voice. 

Crystal could only stand there beside him not saying anything but feeling like he was hiding something bad from her. 

After a few seconds zak stopped ruffleing paper around and turned to face her " look it's going to be fine. " zak told her gently grabbing both of her shoulders. And looked at her fully now. " There's just some stuff that I've got to figure out. But it's going to be okay. but I'm gonna need you to keep your nose clean and do as your told okay love? "  He asked trying to sound somewhat in control but worry was differently just beneath the surface.

Crystal nodded as she looked him in the eyes.. " but what do you need to figure out? What's worrying you zak ? " she asked him trying to sound  concerned but not to pushy.

Zak let go of her shoulders. Sighing he step away from her. " Its just . . .there's been some family members in there area that ain't being careful enough. And are going a little bit stronger on their killing spree then they need too. " zak said sounding fidgety again. " not to mention . . . .there's a rumor that HE may have be visiting these parts recently. " zak finished sounding like he didn't want to tell her this at all.

Crystal asked " is them killing more then usual dangerous ? And who's He? " 

Zak tensed like he really didn't want to answer anymore but gave her an answer anyway. " no. some of the family had been known  to get carried away from time to time. And  although it does create more work for us proxies it's not an uncommon thing to have happen. "

Crystal nodded ( she.didn't really like the killings of any person but she didn't want to anger zak so she said nothing about it much ) " so what's the thing about this  that's gotten you worried? " 

Zak looked like he really didn't want to answer her questions. But did anyways but why Crystal didn't know I mean it's not as tho he didn't have the power to just say : it's none of your business. But he seem to have changed since the last time he told her off.  why Crystal didn't know. 

 "It wouldn't have been a problem before" he started slowly. " but with you being in this area and them not knowing about you makes you kinda fair game. " Crystal nodded trying not to look to scared but secretly was deadly scared.  

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