Chapter 15: A K-k-k-k...k-k-k...I'm Not Even Going to Say It!

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"We got one Nightmare on the radar, about two miles away! It's Lord Malice, right out front of the house!" Slick Vic called from his perch atop of the huge house.

Using his Highkin eagle-like vision, Vic was able to see great distances fairly easily. I could see something coming now, (a small black blob on the edge of the horizon) but without Vic's help, I wouldn't have known what it was. I was about thrity yards away from the front of the house, and Jacob was to my left and Mr. Tholos was to my right. Emma, Az, and Solomon were guarding the back and sides of the house in case they tried to surround and flank us.

"Alright. Malice has stopped. He's raising his hand. Whoa, a bunch of Clattering Cadavers are rising out of the ground all around him. Sir Slaughter's rising from a pit in the ground behind them. Wait...Slaughter has his battleaxe in one hand, but the other's holding onto...a rope? No, a chain, made of pure spirit energy! He's got a creature at the other end of the leash...The creature's rising from the ground too...I can't see it," Vic said.

"Come on, what! You've got to be able to see this!" Solomon yelled to Vic from behind the house.

"Hold your horses...Oh...speaking of horses, a cavalry force of Clattering Cadavers on skeleton horses are riding up on either side of the army. They might try to flank us...But the horses aren't the things that are on the rope...Oh goodness, this is not good. He's got a K-k...k-k-k...KABARACC!" screamed Vic.

"What's a K-k-k-k...k-k..." I started. I wanted to say Kabaracc or whatever, but I found myself stuttering with fear too.

"A K-k-k...k-k-k...Kabaracc are creatures, bigger than Horkotrolls, twice as nasty, even more vicious, and whenever you even want to saw their name, you start to stutter with fear," Mr. Tholos said.

"Every creature we've faced has been big and nasty! Besides, stuttering is NO!" Jacob screamed.

I followed Jacob's gaze, and there, lumbering over the horizon was Lord Malice's army. And at the back of it all was the Kabaracc. The creature walked on two short legs, and its arms (that ended in nasty talons) dragged like an ape's. It had a huge shell plate covered with spikes on its back. But worst of all, in place of a head, it had a flat, triangular white plate with two eyeholes in a skull. As it came closer, long black tendrils started to sprout from its back. THe tendrils fell down over its triangular plate.

"What...what are those things coming out of its back?" I heard Az ask, horrified.

"Hair. It'll put the hair over the mask it wears. The face of a K-k-k...k-k-k-k...Karabacc is so horrifying to see, that it keeps both the hair and the mask over its face. When the time comes, the K-k-k...k-k-k-k-k...Karabacc will pull both back and expose its face...and I don't want to see that. So let's end this quickly, please!" Vic called, jumping off of the house and landing perfectly on the ground.

"We can do this! Let's just think carefully and fight well!" Az called.

And here's where the story gets sad.

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