(8.26.18) Hot Tamales - M, 4.4k [Sm]

Depuis le début

The Black Box Theatre was deathly silent, everybody grimacing as a coin echoed around the room.


All fingers from the floor pointed to the catwalk, and all fingers from the catwalk pointed towards the two culprits. Tori sneered, whacking Jade's accusatory finger away. "You were the one who threw the box at me!"

"Oh, you would know if I did. And you were the one who dropped it, and then grabbed onto me!"

As they continued to go back and forth, Sikowitz sighed weakly. "Hey!" he yelled. There was no use. Taking the straw out of his coconut, he pressed his lips against it, murmuring, "I'm sorry."

Both girls screamed once the coconut exploded at the edge of the walk, covering them in white. "Sikowitz!" the two growled together.

"Do you two want to be in the play?" The girls glared at once another before nodding. "Meredith!" A girl quietly raised her hand from the corner, still wheezing from beside the tower. "You're playing Jane!" The teacher turned back towards the catwalk. "And you two are getting detention during the show! Saturday - eight hours!"

Jade snarled with Tori in unison, "Fucking Meredith."

— — — — — — — — —

She stumbled over the curb once the car door was slammed. Trina chortled, passing a very disgruntled Tori. She stuffed her hands in her jacket's pockets, shuffling behind her sister. "Did you even take a shower this morning?"

Tori rolled her eyes. "I tried to, remember? But then you took too long shaving and I fell back asleep." Her sister only shrugged. Once through the double doors, she sighed weakly. "See you later," Tori mumbled.

"Yeah." Heels clicked as Trina strode away, leaving Tori to slump onto the stairs, swiping through her phone. After several minutes, the sound of boots brought her head up. Tori only grumbled as Jade sat beside her - irritated. Even with a loose flannel, she looked better put together than the half-Latina. Not minutes thereafter, Mr. Dickers - an unhappy man with a permanent scowl across his hawk-like face - stomped towards them.

"Come on, you two got detention, so here we go!" The girls looked at one another, groaning before following the vice principal. Once shut in the library, the man sneered at the door, jiggling with the lock. He shook his head before turning towards the two. "Phones," he growled. Begrudgingly, the two dropped their phones into his palm before the devices were thrown into a cardboard box beside the door. "You two better not try anything under my watch! I will make this time seem like a second- er, year, you hear me?"

Jade arched a brow, glancing at the reassuring look beside her. "Oh, we hear you all right."

"I just said don't try anything!" he spat. "I'll be back every few hours to make sure you don't try." There was the opening of the door - which took longer than it should with the broken handle - before a hard slam.

Jade rolled her eyes before sinking into a chair, dulling glaring around the room. "What the hell are we going to do for eight hours?"

Tori only shrugged. "We could read...or talk."

There was a snort before a icy, "Like I'd want to talk to you after you got us thrown in here."

"Me?" Tori folded her arms. "No, you threw the box at me and it fell."

"You dropped the box and threw me!" Jade retorted. Tori scoffed, sitting down at another table. Jade frowned, leaning across her table. "What was that?" she spat at the distant mumble.

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