THE KINGDOM: Chapter 12

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Ella's POV

"Ya better hurry before they leave without you" Negan said jokingly as he loudly knocked on the bathroom door a few times.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, burushing my hair quickly trying to get the tangles out.

Negan woke me up late so I was in a hurry getting ready. However, I did already get dressed. I was wearing a T-shirt with a black jacket and gym shorts underneath my big baggy sweatpants. I left my tail underneath the sweats so once we got to the Kingdom no one would see it.

After I got done brushing my hair, I got the purple hat that Carl gave me yesterday and put it on, adjusting it to the right size in the back and fixed my hair into a low messy bun. After I was done fixing my hair and did my business, I walked out of the bathroom and seen Negan standing in the kitchen. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"It might get a little hot today, ya sure you want to wear sweats?" Negan asked.

"Uhh" I looked down at my pants, then back up at him "Yeah, I'm sure"

"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you if you get hot" He chuckled.

"Ok" I chuckled back.

Suddenly I remembered that I haven't gotten the small key to take the lock off of the collar yet.. 'Shit....Why do I have to leave everything until the last minute!?' I cursed myself in my head. I've got to think of something and fast before we leave.

"You ready?" Negan asked, walking towards the front door.

"Yeah" I snapped out of my thought about the key. "I'll be right back.. I need to use the bathroom" I lied.

"Wasn't you just in there?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah but all I did was change" I lied agian and and headed back to the bathroom.

"I'll be outside waiting for ya" he walked out.

I went in the bathroom and shut the door, waiting until I heard the front door close back. After I did, I waited a moment to be sure. I cracked the bathroom door to make sure Negan gone. After I checked, I quickly ran out of the bathroom and started looking around, trying to think where he would put the key.

"Where is it? Where is it?" I whispered to myself, pacing around the living room thinking of where it could be. 'Just my luck. He probably has it on him'

"Ok where is the last place I seen him with it?" I questioned, then it hit me "The nightstand!" I smiled and walked over next to the couch to the nightstand thing and looked. 'Yes! There it is!' I picked it up and shoved it in my jacket pocket.

I headed for the front door to walk out but before I did, remembered that I seen a small backpack next to the game shelf yesterday and went back to grab it. 'Carl can put the gun and knives in this and we could use it for other supplies that we find!' I thought as I grabbed it, putting it on my back and walked out the front door after grabbing my water bottle off the kitchen table that I layed down before going to the "Bathroom"

I seen Carl already standing there waiting for me and Negan was sitting on the porch swing. I seen a little wagon thingy that people can sit in and Olivia and some guy in the front holding leads for... horses? 'So cool!' I thought and smiled seeing horses, I thought they'd all be dead in the world but apparently not. 'Where'd they even come from?'

"Hey" Carl greeted with a smile.

"Hey" I smiled back excitingly.

We both began walking down the steps and towards the wagon thing.

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