Preparation Day: Chapter 11

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Ella's POV

It's been about a week since the fight happened with Carl and Andy. Not much has happend since then, it's all been the same boring routine. I wake up, go to school, come home and do whatever, dinner then bed, and repeat... Yeah boring, I know.

But today won't be exactly the same, today I FINNALY get to get this stupid cast off and let me tell you something, I am NOT going to miss it. I hope I never have to get one again.

There is only 3 more days until the trip to The Kingdom! So the day after tomorrow. I'm so excited! I've did pretty good at not getting in trouble. I mean, I've had quite a mouth but nothing to to bad to make it where I couldn't go.

And speaking of that, I've gotten through a whole week without getting in trouble, which is pretty fricken good if you ask me. I've also been thinking, The Kingdom is filled with a whole bunch of people that I don't even know and, I really don't want anyone to know what I am.

I don't want the same thing to happen with someone there like it did with Andy. I don't want someone to fear or hurt me because I'm... different, and I don't want them to because I'm 'Negan's', so I'm going to completely hide what I am.

Don't ask me how, I haven't figured it out yet. I will probably just wear some big pants to cover my tail and a hat with my hair tucked around it to cover my ears. I'm still not sure about my teeth and nails though.

As for my collar that says 'Property of Negan' I mean, that's a dead giveaway right there. I will probably ask Negan if I can take it off. I would take it off myself but the fricken lock is still on it. Maybe if he won't let me take it off then I'll try and take the key and take it off when we leave for The Kingdom.

Also, I need some sort of weapon to take just incase the walkers try to get me, but it has to be small so no one would catch me with it, like a knife or something. I only have the rest of the day and tomorrow to get ready for that, It should of already been figured out but I am good at leaving thangs until the last minute.

Anyway, right now me and Negan is almost to the Dr's office to get the cast off and I'm very curious on how he's going to do it since I've never seen one getting took off before.

It's 12 o'clock ish and Negan had just picked me up from school a few minutes ago. Carl also tagged along too because, well for one he probably didn't have anything better to do plus he was out of pain meds.

His eye is looking a little better but it's still purple, the swelling went down a lot so that's really good. I wonder what Andy lookes like.. I haven't seen him since Carl beat his ass and if Carl still lookes this bad from a few punches, I might not even what to see what Andy looks like.

Carl told me that Andy hasn't left his house since that day, not even to visit the Dr. I think he's probably embarrassed because he got his ass kicked in front of everyone, even me.. 'the dog'. If you ask me, I think that he was trying to be all tough in front of me to show that he's a badass but all he showed is that he's just a dick. Oh and he's also probably scared to run into Negan.

We walked in after we got to the Dr's office. I'm not that exited to be here, well I am to get the cast off but not with him being the Dr. I am still mad at him for telling on me to Negan (chapter 8), granite, it was fault for being rude to him but what no one understands is that I had just hurt my foot and was in pain, it was a reaction!

Which reminds me, I'm still a little mad at Olivia for what she did too but decided not to hold it against her. Carl did have a point, Negan probaly threatened her if she didn't tell him what I did which really sucks, because now I have to watch what I say in front of her because she might tell Negan.

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