Unpleasant Factuality: Chapter 30

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Carl's POV

"—so I guess I don't know shit." Ella finished saying right before slamming the door behind her after she walked out of the house.

"Great, now she's pissed at me" I said under my breath and shook my head.

"Carl, what was that about?....I've never seen you two fight before, so it must've been something serious?" Dad asked, looking at me after watching her walk out.

I looked up at him and shook my head again with an eye roll because I was annoyed. "Yeah, it's about Negan."

"What about Negan?"

"She thinks that he has good in him and doesn't only do stuff for other people to get something about of it. I guess she thinks that it's just from the kindness of his heart." I said sarcastically.

"Did you try talking to her?"

"Yeah, I told her that he isn't a good person and doesn't do nice shit for the sake of good deeds, then she said that I didn't understand, basically telling me I don't know what I'm talking about." I paused, then continued "For some reason she actually acts like she cares about him, like he isn't the one that basically kidnapped her and made her his "pet" and put a fucking collar on her, or the one that uses her for his own pleasure to keep his self entertained. No I guess she forgot about all of that shit, I guess she forgot how much of a monster he is behind that stupid fucking smirk."

"I wouldn't dwell on it, Carl"

"I know, but-"

"It's not going to change anything. If she cares for him or hates him, nothing will change either way. We're all still under his control and he will continue to do what he wants, weather we like it or not."

I signed, knowing he was right and had a good point. "I know. It's just, I wish she'd listen to me."

Ella's POV

I continued to walk away from Rick's house until I was out of sight, then I stopped because I didn't even know where I was going. I'm not going back to Rick's house right now, I can't go to Zoey's house, I can't go to MY house because Negan is talking to Zoey....so where the heck am I gonna go?

"Whatever" I said madly to myself and just continued walking because I had nothing better to do.

I started thinking about what just happened with me and Carl. I can't believe he said I was "tricked" by Negan, like what the fuck? I wasn't tricked by anything, Carl just can't see passed his hatred to see the truth. Like I said, Negan isn't ALL bad, he's proved that time and time again.

For one, he didn't leave me at the cabin to die after I hurt his men when walkers started coming. Yeah some stuff happened after I left with him.....but I kinda did that to myself.

For two, that same day is when we came to Alexandrea and Negan killed that one guy because he was scarring Judith, plus that was when Carl pointed a gun at Negan, and Negan didn't even hurt him!

Three, Negan apologized about what happened with Mark, and he held and comforted me when I was crying about him being gone.

And then time that when we went back to Hill Top and he killed that guy for threatening me, then pulled me into a hug and asked if I was ok, not to mention that he had to carry me to the truck because I passed out, then I woke up in his arms and he asked if I was ok.

Oh and that night too! When he sat on the couch next to me and petted my head until I fell sleep, that was awesome.

He also trusted me to go to The Kingdom without him (even though that didn't really work out... but he still let me go.) And when he offered me to stay in his room with him when I had a bad dream, he apologized about what happened at The Kingdom.

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