Aftermath: chapter 32

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⚠️Trigger Warning. Talk/attempted talk of suicide.⚠️

Carl's POV

Dad left earlier after I told him what I knew about Zoey, and let's just say he's not happy, and he's making sure I know it too. Not gonna lie, the look on his face reminded me of how he use to look at me when I was younger after I had done something wrong, the type of look a dad gives their child right before punishing them.

I didn't get in trouble much when I was younger, but when I did my dad sure did make sure I learnt my lesson. I remember one time when I was 11, he got me a soccer ball and said that it was only supposed to be played with outside, that it wasn't even allowed in the house. Well let's just say I didn't listen.

It wasn't the first time I snuck and played with it in the house. I always did it when dad was at work and mom was out shopping or running errands. I only did it when I was left alone at the house so I wouldn't get caught.... Until that day.

It was just like any other day, dad at work and mom out, and I was playing with the soccer ball inside. But I guess dad decided to surprise me and come home early, I think it was to take me somewhere because of how much he had been working and he wanted to spend time with me. And as fate had it, as soon as he walked in, I had done kicked the ball, and of course it went flying and hit a shelf with many breakables on it.

Needless to say, I was grounded for a month, got my ball taken away, and had an extra...firm punishment.

Ok enough of that. Anyway, what I was getting at in the first place, is I remember the look on dad's face that day, and it was the same one he looked at me with today. There's not a doubt in my mind that if I wasn't 17 and just as big as he is now, that he wouldn't of just walked away like he did without a firm hand..if you know what I mean.

But whatever. Dad can be mad at me, I was just trying to get Zoey to do it on her own. If he can't see that I was just trying to let her do it and not overwhelm her, then he just doesn't know how sensitive Zoey is. But I do, and I didn't want to do that to her. She's been through a lot, and it wouldn't surprise me if she ends up snapping and be like she was when she first got to Alexandrea.

Speaking of that, I need to go check on her. If all of that did happen last night then I know she's probably in a fragile and timid mindset right now.

I got up from the couch and put my shoes on, grabbed my hat and jacket, then set off to go see Zoey. I know she's at Negan's house, and I hope Ella doesn't freak out and yell at me when I get there, knowing how pissed she was at me when she stormed out of here.

I walked to Negan's house, not bothering to knock and just opened the door and walked in. I paused in my tracks when I seen Zoey's back facing towards me and could tell she was crying. I didn't see Negan or Ella, or anyone else, just Zoey. I frowned my eyes, wondering why she was standing in the kitchen by herself and crying.

"Zoey?" I asked softly, not wanting to frighten her, especially since it looks like she was having a moment.

She gasped quietly, then quickly turned around to face me. Her teary eyes widen when she seen it was me, and she opened her mouth like she didn't know what to say or how to respond to seeing me.

I looked down, noticing something in her hands. As soon as I seen what she had, I looked back up at her heartbroken. "Zoey......."

Negan's little wolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora