Disaster: chapter 24

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*The Next Day*

Zoey's POV

*Flashback to last night*

Me Carl and Ella went to Rick's house earlier and we've been here for a few hours now. The storm is still here and it's still raining outside, just not as bad, even though it's still coming down pretty hard.

It's already getting dark out but I don't really know what time it is. I don't want to get home late so I know I'll have to leave soon. I really don't wanna go though. I'm having fun hanging out with Carl and Ella, and I don't want to leave.

Today has been fun, and me and Ella is already becoming really good friends. I love that I have two friends now, two friends to hang out and have fun with, I'm so happy that I even smile at the thought.

I've been feeling much better about things emotionally since what happened with me and Carl earlier. He said that he loved me, that he wasn't just hanging out with me because Ella wasn't here, but because he cares and I'm one of his best friends.

That made my heart swell and fill with joy, knowing that someone cares a lot about me and actually wants me around, unlike some people, well mostly,....someone.

Speaking of that someone...I have to go. If I didn't come home, dad would......well, actually I think I rather not say, but you know.

Anyway, enough talking about that.

"Hey Carl, I think I'm gonna go ahead and get home before it gets any later and the storm picks up again"

He turned and gave me a look, telling me what he's thinking...and I really don't want him to bring that up right now.

"Oh, bye Zoey" Ella smiled and gave me wave "See you tomorrow?"

I smiled back and nodded, also waving. She gave me a final smile before getting up and heading to the bathroom. As soon as she was in the other room, Carl looked back at me with that same look for a few long silent moments.

"Carl, don't"

"Don't what? Care about your well being?" He stated a tat sarcastically. I signed and started to speak but he did first "Your almost out of time Zoey, you only have a few days left. I really wish you will tell and not make me do it. I don't want to, but I will."

"I will Carl.....just not now"

"Zoey, you can't jus-" he got interrupted when Ella came back in the room and he took his attention off of me.

'Perfect timing' "Bye Carl!" I said as I headed to the front door. "Bye you guys" I smiled, quickly going out of the house and shutting the door behind me before Carl could get the chance to react or say anything else.

I walked off the porch and took a deep breath, thankfully getting out of that. I began walking home in the rain, luckily it seemed to cease up some. I signed again while thinking 'Carl's right, I don't have much time left...'

As I continued on my way home, it started raining hard again. Luckily I was only like 15 feet away from my house now, but that doesn't mean I still didn't get soaked before I got up to my covered porch.

I tried ringing the water out my hair and clothes but it didn't help a whole lot so I'm still dripping wet. Signing, I opened the door to my house and went in, immediately going and changing out of these wet clothes.

**Morning. Present time**

I ran out of my house not being able to control the tears that fell from my face. I ran and ran until I was out of sight from my house and away from all of the other people that was around.

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