Meet Zoey: Chapter 14

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*Thank you everyone who reads, comments, and votes on my chapters! It really gets me motivated to continue writing knowing that people are enjoying my story! Anyway, here's chapter 14, I hope you like it! When you picture Zoey, think of her as a girl with long black messy hair, pale, and greenish eyes.*

⚠️Trigger warning. Abuse ⚠️

Zoey's POV

The monsterest man known as Negan walked away after walking me home. I couldn't help but wonder why he was being so nice to me tonight. I know he has done some very bad things so why would he care about a kid that tried to sneak food away? I was confused but I couldn't just continue to stand on my porch thinking about it. I've really got to get inside before it gets any later and my dad catches me not in the house.

Before I walked in I put the small bags of chips under my shirt to hide them and the bottle of water as well. I took a deep breath as I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it, trying my best for it not to make a sound. Luckily it didn't and I shut the door back. I breathed a sigh of relief as I made my way to my room to lay down and eat the snack.

I closed my door quietly and cut the light on. I gasped and jumped back when I looked up and seen my dad sitting on my bed with an angry expression displayed on his face.

"And just where the hell was you at?" He snapped.

"Uhhh I-I was just-"

"What did I tell you about leaving the house without me knowing?"


"In case you forgot, that's why I took your food away in the first place, because you kept doing stupid shit like this, so maybe you'd learn to fucking listen to me when I tell you something" he yelled and stood up, causing me to flinch and take a step back against my closed door.

"I-I'm sorry dad, I-"

"Shut the fuck up, Zoey!" He cut me off and stated walking towards me, which made me further back up until I couldn't anymore. He grabbed ahold of my wrist roughly and pulled me back to him "Did you know that the average human can go three weeks without eating? Hmm?" He got close to my face and I shook my head frantically. "If I catch you doing shit like this again, that's going to happen to you" His breath reeked with alcohol, which I was pretty use to.

"I'm sorry" I tried to back up but he didn't loosen his grip any.

He pulled me back forward which caused my chips and water to fall out from under my shirt and land on the floor, my water rolling after landing. I looked down at them 'oh no..' I thought to myself.

"You snuck out to get food?!" He snapped once again and tightened his grip that he had on my wrist.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I started to plead. "Dad I'm sorry, I-I was hungry an-"

He backhanded me across my face and pulled my hair to make me look up at him. "Your a disappointment, you know that?"

I held my eyes shut tightly from the pain as tears ran down my cheeks. "Yes I know.. I'm sorry"

"Why'd I have to be cursed with a daughter that can't listen to anything I say?"

"I don't know.. I'm sorry"

"Pffff you are sorry" He tightened his grip on my hair and walked to my bed, dragging me by the hair. He roughly threw me on my bed which caused me to cry more because that pulled my hair. "Go to bed" he ordered.

I quickly got under the covers and layed down. He started walking back to my door but not before he give me a final look of disgust.

He walked out of my room and slammed the door behind him after cutting my light off.
'Could of been a lot worse..' I thought.

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