Chapter twelve

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Sleeping early in the morning while the rain is falling can be another form of paradise on earth.

I tossed around the wide perimeter of my bed enjoying the soft relaxation my mattress provided, while the cool breeze from the rain, sang a sweet lullaby to me. I hugged my duvet a little tighter and rolled so it enclosed me in its warmth.


That could pass for an alarm, but from the painful splash across my face. My eyes flew open from the impact of the water that knocked every wisp of air from my lungs. I sat upright immediately, struggling to inhale and exhale simultaneously. The water was so cold that it stung and snatched every atom of warmth and heat within my grasp.

My eyes narrowed at my smirking baptist who stood arm akimbo and tapped her feet constantly on the floor, enjoying my reaction.

"Harriet!!" I hollered with clenched fists, eyes shut firmly, and furrowed brows before throwing a headrest at her.

"You should be thanking me for waking your lazy ass up." She clicked her tongue and walked towards the curtain to lift them.

Sun illuminated my room in it lustrous soft diffuse rays, conveying the temporary stop of the rain.

"And why should I do that?" I yawned and stretched tiredly.

"It seems your brain is yet to fully boot but let me do you the favour of reminding you." She paced around my room in her skimpy pink pyjamas with peach feather socks.

"Can you just spill already?" I snapped and began packing up my moisture soaked bedsheets.

"You, my friend, have a flight to catch in two hours, and you are here sleeping away your destiny. I doubt if you have even packed your luggage for Abuja." She cocked a brow, folded her arms to her chest and sat on my black sofa.

"OMG!" I grasped my ashen face and stared at Harriet in shock.

"Now sing my glories baby. I'm the best friend you can ever ask for." She pointed a long acrylic nail at me and chuckled.

"You demon," I spat with a glare.

"What?" Her smile was replaced with a confused look.

"Why the hell didn't you wake me up since morning." I cried and began peeling off my wet pyjamas so I can change into a dry undies.

"Wow, so much for getting a thank you praise." She bit her lip and nodded her head severally.

"Oyah please I am sorry." My tone became softer as I thought of how to pacify her to pack my luggage.

"Hell no," she screamed and stood up immediately. "I know where the hell this is heading to so I'm not packing for you, Tife." She exhaled heavily and began exiting the room.

"Please baby." I made a puppy face and grasped her arm while she glared at me.

"Leave me alone. Help someone wants to kidnap me." She began screaming and slapping my hands that held her.

"Please Harriet, I don't have time to waste." I pleaded and covered her mouth with my palm when she wouldn't stop screaming. She continued struggling to run away while I held her down making it a mission impossible.

She made a murmuring sound so I released her mouth. "On one condition." She raised a brow and her index finger.


"The offer of me doing the dishes for one more week expires immediately." She pouted and whistled.

I grinned. "You know you are a witch." I pointed an accusing finger at her.

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