Chapter seventeen

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Alex's point of view (POV)

Monday morning in Lagos and I already feel like a mess. I had a petty quarrel with my folks who wouldn't stop pestering me about marriage. I'm only twenty-five years old so why should I just rush into marriage with someone when I'm not sure I have found the right person for me yet.

My head banged in a slight hangover from yesterday night and I had to stop at Starbucks on my way to work. The only thing that currently excites me is coming to the office to meet my personal assistant, Tife.

I know I don't do black girls with a thick body but Tife is an exception. She's got this thick banging body that drives me crazy any time I see her in fitted the gowns. She has this melanin popping skin that reminds me of cocoa butter. She has this cute face that mesmerizes me any time I stared at it. She has an exceptional beauty that I have always admired right from the very first day I saw her at the traffic.

The moment she banged my car, she knocked my skull off with her banging fury. I wrote her off that day and assumed she was just some clout chaser seeking for attention, but to be honest, I couldn't get her image of my head for days. I tried everything I could to forget her, including sleeping with other girls but my brain processed the sex workers as Tife.

I had to hire some private investigators to help me search for her and when I knew her plight, I plotted on how to get her in my office. I didn't know if it will work because she never applied to this bank, I only sent an invite to an interview utilizing her desperation to my advantage.

The other day she almost walked out on me in my office, I didn't want it to happen so I had to offer her a whooping sum of money I have never offered my past personal assistants and it worked. She is a gentle and easy-going woman, a sensible one at that but can be quite aggressive when people try to trample upon her.

"Sir, we are in front of your office," Louis announced as he peered back from the rearview mirror.

"Sure." my bodyguards came over to help me with my suitcase and opened the door.

I took a last sip from the iced espresso drink to keep me awake before tossing it into the trash bin. I walked into the elevator leading to my office.

"Good morning, Mr Alex." A lousy voice greeted as I walked towards my office.

I stopped to take a look at her, she is short and petite with a red skin, a strand of beard hung loosely on her rashes filled chin and she sat at Tife's table. From the beard in her chin, I easily concluded that she is Igbo.

"I am Mrs Tseju Alakada, sir." She corrected me like she could read my mind.

She is definitely a full-blooded Yoruba. By the way, who bears Alakada as a surname?

"Why are you here?" I snapped, making her flinch.

"I am from the human resources department and I'm the reliever of Miss Coker, she can't report today.

"And what are you? A pain reliever?" I frowned at her while she shook her head in fear.

"No sir, she is not feeling quite well so she won't be able to report today." She dropped the bombshell the same time my heart skipped a bit.

"What the hell happened to her?" I hollered with eyes as wide as a saucepan.

"She is suffering from a heart disease." She knotted her hands together.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I slammed my fist on her table, making her panic.

"Her boyfriend broke her heart so she is mentally unstable and she is nursing her heartache." She looked at the floor, fear evidently written on her.

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