Chapter twenty

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All my life, I have always attended big weddings, ate to my fill without caring if the bride and groom are actually in love or something. Now it is my time to be wedded. It is my time for young girls to feast on my wedding foods without giving a flying fuck if Alex and I are compatible or if the marriage will last.

It is quite fascinating how the reality you know and must have adapted to, changes-- flips like a freaking pancake in a grilling machine. The day before and yesterday, I was single and today, I'm getting married. Although I'm happy to be getting married to my true love after dating for two years.

I no longer work at the bank after I discovered that I am four weeks pregnant last week. My mother's store has been expanded to something ginormous-- to a shopping mall. It has always been her dream and Alex helping mother to actualize the dream only made her love him the more and became prouder of me.

My brother has been sent to one of the best universities in the united states of America; Harvard University to study his dream course. Law.

Harriet finally settled for a rich business tycoon she met in Italy when she travelled with an Alhaji. She dumped the sugar daddy before anyone could spell Jack Robinson and got engaged to the Italian billionaire.

Kasali finally got married to a decent girl and she recently just put to bed a few days ago, he no longer works in my practically empty house.

Good news and congratulatory messages were exchanged by the people I know-- the people I'm acquainted with and I'm happy for everyone who got their dreams fulfilled.

I stared at the huge Anglican church that awaited my response and slumped my shoulders. "I'm afraid I can't do this, mom."

"Ehen, nibo?" She exclaimed dramatically and held her gele in place to avoid it falling off.

"I'm scared mom, what if something happens?" I pouted and stared at the huge mahogany church.

"Nothing is going to happen, my daughter, you have worked so hard to get here so why give up now?" She touched my jaw and turned it to face her.

"Look at me," she commanded and I raised my eyes from my gown to stare at her piercing black eyes.

"You are a queen, a strong one who strived so hard to get here." She sniffled, pumping motivational words into my blood pipe.

"You will go in there like the queen you are, you will slay them all because you are the legitimate daughter, you are a Coker, and we are goal-getters." She held my hand and squeezed it tightly.

I grinned at mom, "I love you mother, you are the best I can ever ask for." I kissed her forehead.

"You have always been the best daughter I could request for so go in them and get your man before all this yeye slim girls do your job." She eyed the slim girls with exposed dressing and professional makeover, they were dressed to kill in my own wedding.

"Never," I stood up quickly, feeling my inner Lagosian spirit ginger me and with mom, I walked towards the church.

"One more thing," mother said as we approached the door.

"You are the beautiful woman present and I can't help but smile when I remember the labour pains I experienced when giving birth to you." She smiled, a tear slipped from her eyes.

"Mom, why are you crying, you will make me cry." I wiped her tear with my finger.

"Every stabbing pain I felt that day was worth it, Tife." She nodded and smiled brightly.

"And I can't believe you have finally grown into a woman and you will be doing what adults do." She said making me chuckle.

"Mom, " I waved her off and blushed. "Don't make me cry."

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