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Magnolia was staring down at her hands. "Har, I promise I'll tell you but we can't do this here. I promise I'll tell you after the appointment." Harry shook his head. "I can't believe you! Does Fred think-""No but we can't do this here," Magnolia turned around and saw Draco watching them. "Please." She begged. Harry shook his head. "You're not getting out of this." Magnolia nodded. "And I'm not trying to. I just need- I will tell you everything in my dorm with privacy." Harry rolled his eyes. 

"Fine, let's go." Harry turned and started walking towards the infirmary. Magnolia looked over her shoulder at Draco. "Are you coming?" Harry asked. Magnolia turned around and nodded. 

The twins now sat in the infirmary. Magnolia was sitting on the bed, fiddling her thumbs. They was waiting for madam Pomfrey. Harry turned to Magnolia. "So if it's not Fred-""Harry!" Magnolia shouted. Harry threw his hands up. "I'd just like to know." He stated. Magnolia nodded. "And I never said you couldn't. I'll tell you after." Harry sighed as Madam Pomfrey walked over. "Mags, I don't understand why you can't tell me now. No one else is around," Harry motioned to the empty room as Magnolia hiked her shirt up. 

"Frankly I find this extremely important. I mean this is my niece or nephews' father here." Magnolia rolled her eyes. "It doesn't exactly concern you. You're lucky I'm even considering telling you because believe me when I tell you you're going to lose it," Magnolia scoffed. "You're going to lose it." Madam Pomfrey looked between the two. "I'm just going to get st-""So it's someone I hate? Is it a Slytherin, Magnolia?" Harry gasped. "Is it Nott? Because I swear to god if it's Nott!" Magnolia shook her head. "It's not Nott, you blithering baboon and even if it was what does it matter." Harry saw the gleam in Magnolia's eyes. "But it's a Slytherin!" He shot. "I knew it! I knew there was no way you would have a baby with someone like Fred." 

Madam Pomfrey was looking at the baby with the spell and the heartbeat was echoing through out the room but it couldn't be heard over the sibling's arguing. "Oh, He's a very nice guy, Har! You just haven't seen that side of him." Harry looked like the gears in his head were turning. He gasped. "Don't tell me it's Malfoy." Magnolia shook her head. "So what if it is? I told you I would tell you when we were done here." 

Madam Pomfrey had had enough of their arguing. She took a deep breath. "I can't wait till after. I need to know now!" Harry growled. Madam Pomfrey continued looking over the floating image of the baby. "It look's like she's doing well and everything's perfectly fine." Magnolia's and Harry's heads snapped towards her. "What?" They asked in unison. 

Magnolia's eyes watered. "S-she?" She asked. "It's a girl?" Madam Pomfrey smiled and nodded. "You're having a little girl, Miss Potter." Magnolia turned to Harry. "You're having a niece." She whispered. Harry nodded. "It's all very heartwarming but who's the father? Will the baby come out with red hair or blonde or brown or black?" Magnolia glared up at him. "I don't know, Harry. There's a possibility it'll be....blonde," She mumbled. Harry leaned forward. "Excuse me, I couldn't exactly hear." 

Magnolia turned towards Madam Pomfrey. "Everything looks good?" Madam Pomfrey nodded. "Everything looks great. Her heart beats strong. Have you felt her move or kick yet?" Magnolia shook her head. "Not yet. I-is that bad?" Madam Pomfrey shook her head. "No. It's perfectly normal to not feel it yet but you should soon." Magnolia nodded. "Okay. I was getting kind of worried about that." 

Harry crossed his arms over his chest. "Hello? Remember me? Will you answer my question now?" Magnolia ignored him and pulled her shirt down. She climbed off the bed. Magnolia walked out of the infirmary and Harry ran after her. "Mags! Answer me!" Magnolia spun around. "No, Harry Potter. I will not answer your question until we get back to my dorm. I have had a shit day already and hearing that I'm having a girl flipped it around so you will not ruin this," Magnolia stabbed her finger into his chest. "We're going to go back to my dorm and I'm going to tell you who the father is then you're going to not act out and you're going to act rationally." 

Harry sighed. "Fine." He followed Magnolia to her dorm and she pushed the door open. Remus was sitting on the couch while Sirius was sitting upside down. He sat up when he saw Magnolia and Harry. "Hey, it's my favorite twins." Magnolia smiled. "Hi guys." Remus looked over at Sirius. "I told him not to sit like that but he wouldn't listen." Magnolia chuckled. "It's fine." 

Remus stood up and pulled Magnolia into a hug. "How have you been?" He asked. Magnolia shrugged. "Fine." Remus pulled away. "M-may I?" Magnolia nodded. Remus laid his hand on Magnolia's bump and smiled. "You're getting big." Magnolia nodded. "Yeah. She still won't kick though." Sirius jumped up. "She?" Magnolia grinned and nodded. "She. I just found out." Remus pulled his hand away and pulled Magnolia into another hug. "That's wonderful dear." Sirius rushed. "It's bloody great," He pulled Remus away from Magnolia to go hug her himself. "Move it,  Moons. You can't hog her." Magnolia chuckled as Sirius wrapped his arms around her. 

Sirius suddenly gasped dramatically and pulled away. He laid his hands on Magnolia's forearms. "What?" Magnolia asked. "I have nothing to call it! I can't call her Bambi or anything I call Prongslette" Sirius shrieked. Magnolia and Remus shared a look. "You could call her by her name." Remus pointed out. 

Sirius shook his head. "Absolutely not! Do I call her by her name?" He asked, motioning to Magnolia. Magnolia sighed. "I was so confused the first two years of my life. Was I Magnolia or Bambi?" Sirius pulled away and tapped his chin. "Not important. Aha! I'll call her Weasel, Weaselette, Gingy, and," Sirius dragged the 'and' out. He looked up at Remus for help but he just ignored him. "Mini Weasel." Magnolia's face fell. "Yeah you might want to rethink your nicknames there." 

Sirius looked up at her. "What? Those are amazing names for your child, Magnolia. They took a long time to come up with." Magnolia looked down at the floor. "Maybe you could try drakaina." Sirius furrowed his brows. "No that's hideous. What the hell is a drakaina?" Magnolia bit her lip. "A female dragon." 

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