Opening Day

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"Come on! Up and at 'em!" Fred threw the blankets of Magnolia and she groaned. "NO!" She pulled the blankets back on top of her. Fred sighed. "Mags, you got to get up. It's opening day." Magnolia rolled over. "No!" Fred nodded. "Yes." Magnolia burrowed into the mattress and pulled the blankets closer around her.

"Come on. Get up." Fred crossed his arms over his chest. "No," Magnolia whispered. Fred sighed. He threw the blankets back and scooped Magnolia up. "Fred! Put me down!" Fred shook his head. "Nope. It's opening day. I can't throw you off the mattress so this will have to do." Fred carried her into the living room and set her down.

"I'm going back to bed." Magnolia went to walk passed him but Fred sidestepped in front of her. "I don't think so. Now let's go. Get showered, dressed, and downstairs." Magnolia groaned. "But I'm tired!" Fred sighed. "Oh, you went to bed at nine." Magnolia sighed. "I couldn't sleep." Fred shook his head. "Merlin, Potter. Just get ready." Magnolia stalked towards the bathroom. "Merlin, Potter." She mocked.

Fred chuckled as he shifted through the mail on the table. He came across a letter from Harry addressed to Magnolia. Fred tossed it aside and continued looking through the mail. George walked out of his room.

"Is Magnolia up?" Fred nodded. "She's in the shower. Ready for today, George?" George nodded. "You bet. I can't wait. This is what we've been waiting for, Freddie." Fred smiled. "We couldn't have done it without Harry and Mags. If they hadn't given us that money." George nodded. "Mhmm. We owe them, Freddie." Fred nodded. "That's why I'm doing this for Mags. I want to repay her and I feel like this is the perfect way to do that."

Magnolia climbed out of the shower and wrapped her hair in a towel. She pulled on a black bra with matching boy shorts that were lacy. She pulled a white cropped cable knit sweater on that had three buttons on it. Magnolia did the first two up. The sweater was close to falling off her shoulders, exposing her collar bone and chest but not showing cleavage. Magnolia jumped and wiggled into a pair of dark beige jeans. She secured them with a belt before moving onto her hair.

Magnolia threw her bright hair into a messy bun. She pulled a few hairs out in the front and curled them. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." George stepped in. "Mind if I shower while you continue doing your thing?" Magnolia nodded. "Yeah of course. Go ahead."

George and Magnolia had had a small fling the summer before her fifth year so they had seen each other naked before and were cool with each other. They had both had a small crush on each other but after a month they decided it had been the best decision not to continue their relationship.

George turned the water on and started to get undressed as Magnolia started her makeup. She went for a more natural look. Magnolia pulled out fake lashes and George stared at her horrified. "What are those?" Magnolia chuckled. "Eyelashes." Magnolia applied them and grabbed her eyelash curler, terrifying George more. "That looks like a torture device." Magnolia shook her head. "No, It's a medieval torture device," She sassed. "Not a regular one," George's eyes widened. "I'm kidding. It's just to curl my lashes." George unzipped his jeans. "They're not curled enough?" Magnolia shook her head. "Nope, not enough for society anyways."

Magnolia set the curler down and picked up a tube of matte nude lipstick. Magnolia started to apply it. Magnolia looked down at her nails. "Should I paint my nails?" George shrugged as he stepped into the shower. "I don't know, love." Magnolia shook her head. "Nah."

She turned and walked into the kitchen to find Fred eating a bowl of cereal. "That's better." Magnolia raised her brow and laid a hand on her hip. "Oh did I not look good before?" Fred shook his head and threw his hands up. "No you did. I just mean it's better now that you're up and ready." Magnolia nodded. "Hmm. Why don't we go downstairs and get some things ready?" Fred nodded. "I agree but first you need to eat." Magnolia shook her head. "I'm fine. I'll eat later. My nerves are too bad to keep anything down." Fred sighed. "Alright."

They walked downstairs and were joined by George twenty minutes later. "Okay are you good with running the register?" Fred asked. Magnolia nodded. "Yeah. That's fine." Magnolia walked over to the cash register as George went to open the doors. Fred leaned against the counter as Magnolia opened the register.

"So you feeling alright this morning?" Magnolia looked up and nodded. "Mhmm. I'm fine. Why?" Fred shrugged. "I wasn't sure if you had morning sickness or not." Magnolia shook her head and pointed a finger at him. "Hey! No baby talk today. Today we're focusing on me, you, and Georges' baby." Fred sighed. "Alright."

An hour later and the shop was filled with people. There was a lot of business and it was great. Magnolia's feet hurt but there was no one to replace her. Magnolia was zoned out tapping her fingers when someone placed a box of dungbombs and a love potion. Magnolia chuckled. "That's a weird combination," She rung it up. "That'll be eight galleons...." Magnolia looked up and her face fell. Draco stood in front of her.

Magnolia forced a smile onto her lips. "Malfoy, nice to see you." Draco nodded. "So I'm Malfoy again." He whispered. Magnolia scoffed. "I hope you didn't think I'd still call you Draco after you dumped me for no reason." Draco sighed. "Mags-""I don't want to hear it. That'll be eight galleons," She repeated. Draco dug into his pocket. He dropped the coins onto the counter.

"Do you want a bag?" Draco nodded. "Yes, please." Magnolia turned around. "Cloth, paper, or plastic?" Draco pointed to the plastic bags. "Plastic." Magnolia snatched a plastic bag up. "That's just like you to not care about the planet." Magnolia started to bag the items. "You guys are the ones that have it as an option." Magnolia nodded. "We also have reusable bags as an option." Draco nodded. "Those cost extra." Magnolia gave him a fake smile. "You're also rich." Draco rolled his eyes. "Can I just see my items?" Magnolia nodded. "Of course." She shoved the bag into his chest. "Th-""Next!" Draco scoffed and walked away.

He walked towards the front door but stopped. Draco turned back around and stalked over to the counter. "I didn't dump you for no reason." He whispered harshly. Magnolia looked up. "Sorry, you'll have to wait a moment. I'm with a customer." Magnolia turned back to the guy in front of her and leaned onto her elbow.

Magnolia giggled at something he said and Draco rolled his eyes. "Move on, McLaggen. She's mine." Magnolia sighed and pushed herself up. "Ignore him, Connor. He's an arrogant prick." Draco sighed. "I just want a few minutes to talk." Magnolia shot a glare at him. "Sorry but I'm working." Draco raised his brow. "Really because it looks like you're flirting." Magnolia picked Connor's bag up and handed it to him. "See you at school, Connor." Connor nodded and walked away.

Magnolia looked up and scanned her eyes through the crowd. "Mione!" Hermione looked up from the love potions and furrowed her brows. Magnolia motioned her over and Hermione walked over. "Yes?" Magnolia leaned over the counter. "Will you cover the register for a few minutes? I'll be right back. I just have to use the bathroom." Hermione nodded. "Of course."

Magnolia walked away and Draco followed her to the back office. Magnolia shut the door behind them. "What is it?" She shot, her tone laced with poison. Draco grabbed her hand but Magnolia yanked it away. "I just wanted to talk." Magnolia nodded. "Yeah, obviously. What about?" Draco took a deep breath. "Everything." He whispered.

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