Mysterious Student(s)

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Albus Dumbledore looked up at he heard a knock on his office door. "Come in." He called. The door opened and a young girl stepped in. Albus looked up shocked. "What are you doing here? It's not safe." The girl shrugged. "My parents got tired of not hearing anything. They know the wars nearing," She spoke with an American accent. "They sent me to be their informant." Albus sighed. "It's not safe. He hasn't reached his full potential yet." 

The girl shrugged. "It's not safe for them to be here. You never said anything about me." Albus sighed. "So what do they expect you to do." The young girls eyes fell on the sorting hat. "Be a student and tell them what they want to know." Albus nodded. "Not what they want to hear?" She shook her head. "No. They deserve to know, Mr. Du-""It's Headmaster." The girl smiled and nodded. "Right. My mom tried telling me that but I forgot. I'm very forgetful. I hope I don't spill something I'm not supposed to." 

Albus sighed and he followed her gaze. "Very well. We'll announce you at dinner until then you'll stay here, out of sight." The girl chuckled. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way," 

Albus nodded. "I'll go get the other teachers." Albus stood up and went to leave but the girl stopped him. "I'm sorry to say so but someone already saw me." Albus turned around. "Who?" The girl shrugged. "I don't know. It was a group of people. Two girls and four boys," Albus stepped forward. "They had just come into the castle." Albus sighed. "What did they look like?" 

The girl shrugged. "One of them was darker than the rest, two were gingers one of the shades were darker than the other, one of the girls had really bushy hair, um then there was a boy with hair as white as snow and the most beautiful eyes. He was quite handsome," She sighed. "And the last boy was wearing glasses and a hat," Albus froze and the girl looked up. "Who are they?" There was obviously an importance with the group. "Was one of the girls pregnant?" She nodded. "Yes. Who are they, M-Headmaster Dumbledore?" 

Albus sighed. "The darker boy, Blaise Zabini, the ginger, Ronald Weasley, The blond, Draco Malfoy, and the bushy haired girl, Hermione Granger." The girl nodded. She hated that Albus was keeping her in suspense. "And the other two?" Albus looked up, making eye contact with the girl. "Magnolia and Harry Potter." 

Magnolia bit her lip as she sat at the Ravenclaw table. She looked up, making eye contact with Draco from the other side of the hall. For some reason the girl she had seen earlier had made her stomach churn. Draco gave her a reassuring smile. 

"Eat." He mouthed. Magnolia looked down at her food and shook her head. She looked back up. "I can't." She lipped back. She watched as Draco sighed. Draco's eyes flickered towards the door and Magnolia understood.

Magnolia looked down at her food and placed her hand over her mouth, making a gagging sound. Luna looked over at her. "Are you alright, Mags?" Magnolia nodded. "The smell of this is uh-" Magnolia quickly stood up and walked out of the hall. 

Magnolia waited a few minutes before Draco joined her. He walked over to her and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "You need to eat, love." Magnolia shook her head. "I can't. My nerves are too much right now." Draco sighed. "You have nothing to worry about. She's probably just a new student and has nothing to do with the war going on." Magnolia shook her head. "No. Why would we get a new student in the middle of a war?" 

Draco cupped her cheeks and made Magnolia look up at him. "You need to eat for bean." Draco whispered. Magnolia nodded. "I know but I can't." Draco sighed. "Eat, please." He pleaded. Magnolia nodded. "Alright, I'll try but you may need to make a secret trip down to the kitchens tonight." Draco chuckled. "I do it only for you." Draco pecked Magnolia's forehead and pulled away. 

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Potter, I suggest you two get inside the hall. Just because you're pregnant, Miss Potter does not mean that you can go against school rules." Magnolia turned around to see Dumbledore. She shrugged. "I didn't listen to the rules even before I was pregnant." She laughed. Draco shook his head. "You can't eat yet you're still very immature." Draco mumbled. 

Magnolia continued to laugh but stopped abruptly when she saw the girl from earlier step out from behind Dumbledore. She was familiar but Magnolia didn't know from where. She felt her stomach churn and she wrapped her arms around her stomach. 

"You two should get back inside, so I can introduce our new student." Magnolia and Draco shared a look. "Come on, love," Draco whispered. "Let's go back and eat. You need your strength." Magnolia nodded as she watched the girl in curiosity. She turned and walked back into the great hall with Draco, Dumbledore, and the new girl. 

Magnolia walked back to her table and sat down in her seat. She stared at the soup in front of her. Magnolia looked down the table and grabbed a bowl. She filled it with pudding and set it in front of her. Magnolia made the mistake of looking up where she saw Draco glaring at her. Magnolia sighed and pushed the pudding forward. She grabbed a spoon and began eating the soup, earning a smug look from Draco. 

"Alright students, it is with great pleasure that I introduce our new student, Dahlia," Magnolia looked over at her as hushed whispers filled the hall. "She's a fifth year and from America. I can only hope that you will show her kindness while she's here. Her time here might be temporary and now we will sort Dahlia into her house." Dumbledore turned to Dahlia and placed the sorting hat onto her head. It didn't take long before the sorting hat reached a decision and shouted the answer out. "HUFFLEPUFF!" Hufflepuff house cheered to have gained the extra member. 

Magnolia watched as she walked towards the table in ripped jeans and a t-shirt. She stuck out like a sore thumb. Magnolia narrowed her eyes as she continued to watch her but as soon as Dahlia sat down she look up at Magnolia. Magnolia quickly looked away, her face going bright red.  

Dahlia stood up and clinked a fork against her class. The entire hall turned towards her. "M-Headmaster Dumbledore failed to mention this but my brother will be joining us next week. He just had some business he needed to tend to back in America. He's a third year." 

Magnolia's blood ran cold at this announcement and looked like the same thing happened for Dumbledore. 

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