New Years Eve

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The Weasleys walked into Grimmauld place and looked around. Sirius smiled as he walked over to them. "Welcome to my humble gothic home. Ignore the portrait of my mother, She can be a bitch but don't mind her any attention. There's food all over the place. Kitchen, living room, dining room. Remus has some sort of thing set up on the muggle TV set. I have no idea what, that's his category and the baby mama is in the living room. Enjoy yourselves." 

Sirius turned and walked away as Remus shook his head. "I'm sorry. The poor dog has no idea how to host." Molly chuckled. "It's alright, dear. It's nice to be the one not hosting," Molly held a package under her arm. "I brought Magnolia a gift. I assume she's baby mama." Remus sighed and nodded. "Yes. They both have started referring to her as that." 

Fred leaned forward. "Who?" Remus looked up at him. "Sirius and Magnolia. They're trying to get Draco in on it but it's not working to well." Fred tensed up. "Ma-Malfoy?" Remus nodded. "Yes. I do believe that is what I said. I didn't stutter." 

Molly was quick to walk into the living room, seeing Draco sitting on the couch with Magnolia's feet on his lap. He was rubbing them but stopped, seeing that the Weasleys had arrived. Draco leaned further into the couch hoping it would swallow him up. 

Molly squealed when she saw Magnolia. "Oh, I have a gift for you." Magnolia sat u straighter. "Please tell me it's food, a jumper, or something to induce me." Molly shook her head. "No. It's something better than that." Molly handed Magnolia the box and her face lit up. "Bloody Hell!" Magnolia shrieked. Molly smiled. "I remember how much I hated sleeping on my side during pregnancy." 

Magnolia looked up at Draco and turned the box around. "Look, look, look!" Draco turned to her with an amused look on his face. "Look what she got me!" Magnolia shrieked, shoving the box towards him. Draco chuckled as he felt his heart warm. "Well I can't see it if you're waving it all over the place like that. Calm down." Draco joked. He thought it was cute the way Magnolia was acting. 

Magnolia threw the box onto his lap. "Set it up for me," She clasped her hands together. "Pleeeeeeease." She pleaded. Draco looked down at the box. It was an inflatable pillow that allowed Magnolia to lay on her stomach. Draco looked back up at her. He went to protest when the rest of the Weasleys walked in. Draco nodded. "I'll get it set up right away." 

Draco stood up and went to walk out but Magnolia grabbed his hand. "Hey," She whispered. Her eyes were filled with concern as Draco turned to face her. "What's wrong?" Draco shook his head.  "Nothing. I'll go get this blown up." Magnolia nodded. "Okay. Hurry back." Draco nodded and walked upstairs. 

Draco walked into Magnolia's room and sat down on the floor. He tore the box open and started blowing the pillow up. Draco had finished blowing the pillow up but didn't want to go back downstairs. He didn't feel like facing the Weasleys. 

Draco looked around the room. His eyes fell on a book with a yellow cover and Draco got curious. He pushed himself up and walked over to it. Draco picked the book up and noticed it was a baby name book. He lowered himself onto the bed and skimmed through it. 

Magnolia looked around the room and sighed. Draco had been upstairs for an hour and Magnolia wanted him back downstairs. Ginny had just walked into the living room after grabbing a plate of cookies. "Gin!"  Magnolia ushered her over. Ginny walked over and sat down next to Magnolia. "Yeah, Mags?" Magnolia sighed. "I'm about to ask you for a really big favor." Magnolia whispered. Ginny raised her brow. "What is it?" 

Draco's eyes scanned over the page. "Maria," He stated. "Maria Potter-Malfoy. Maria Potter," Draco tilted his head. "No." He flipped the page as the door opened. Draco looked up to see the fiery redhead. "Alright, stop hiding." Ginny had her arms crossed over her chest. 

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