Paint Job

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Magnolia sat in the middle of the room while Draco and Blaise painted the walls. "I mean it's weird. It's like she doesn't have a last name," Draco and Blaise shared a look. "The teachers call her Miss Dahlia. When has a teacher ever called us by our first name?" Blaise turned around as he rolled the paint roller up the wall. "Snape's called you by your first name." 

Magnolia laid her hands on her stomach. "Don't mention that name around my child again. He's called me by my first name because he's a pervert and obsessed with a dead woman." Shivers went down Draco's spine. "Didn't he call you lily once?" Magnolia nodded. "More than once. It's bloody weird." Draco nodded as he bent down. "Well you do look like your mum, I've seen pictures." Draco pointed out. Magnolia nodded. "Yeah, pictures I showed you." Magnolia whispered. Draco chuckled. 

Blaise turned around and dipped his paint roller into the tray. "I just need you to pull another prank, Mags. It's been too long." Magnolia grinned as Draco spun around. He pointed a finger at her. "No!" Magnolia groaned. "Come on!" She groaned. "It'll be great. It's what I need." She protested. Draco shook his head. "No." He stated. Magnolia sighed. "Fine." Draco turned back around and Magnolia looked over at Blaise. She nodded, causing Blaise to grin. 

Draco ran the paint brush up the wall as Blaise sighed. "Why are we doing this the muggle way again?" Magnolia smiled. "For the experience." She said as she popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth. Blaise sighed. "What's it matter though I mean-""Shut up, Blaise, before you trigger hormones." Draco warned. Magnolia grinned as she ate another piece of popcorn. 

She looked down at her bowl, seeing it was empty and sighed. "I'm going to get more food. I want cucumbers." Draco nodded. "Alright, love. Be careful." Magnolia sighed. "You need to help me up and it's Hogwarts. It's not that dangerous." Draco turned around and set the paint roller down. 

"There are dark army allies here," Draco grabbed Magnolia's hands and pulled her up so she was standing. "Just a few more weeks and you'll be able to walk down to the kitchens without me telling you to be careful." Magnolia shook her head. "No, you'll still tell me then." Blaise nodded. "She's got a point." 

Draco rolled his eyes as he went back to painting. Magnolia walked out, chuckling. She walked out of her dorm and headed towards the kitchen. She placed a hand on her back, groaning as she waddled. 

Magnolia froze when she saw Dahlia sitting outside with a pad of paper. Dahlia looked up and gave her a warm smile. "Hi," She stood up, hiding the pad. "Magnolia right?" Magnolia nodded and took a step back. Dahlia sighed. "You can trust me you know." Magnolia shook her head. "No actually. As the chosen one's sister, I can't trust most people." Dahlia's eyes landed on Magnolia's stomach. "You trusted someone." Magnolia nodded. "Someone I've known for a while. I've just met you and I don't even know your last name." Dahlia nodded. "Is it the boy I saw you with yesterday? He's cute." Magnolia looked the girl up and down. "Why don't you read a paper." Magnolia walked over to the kitchen entrance. 

"Oh do you know the password? No one told me out to get in and this place is nothing like Ilvermorny." Magnolia turned around. "Why are you still talking to me?" Dahlia shrugged. "I want to be your friend." Magnolia shut her eyes and threw her head back. "Well, stop!" Dahlia looked down at her feet. She needed an excuse. 

"I'm sorry it's just you remind me of older sister and I lost her last year." Dahlia whispered. Magnolia's heart melted and she cursed the hormones inside of her. "What?" She whispered. Dahlia looked down at the floor. "That's why I came here. My parents sent me here." Magnolia's body relax. "You have to tickle the pear." She whispered. Dahlia looked up. "What?" She asked. Magnolia sighed. "To get into the kitchen you have to tickle the pear." 

Dahlia smiled. So feeling bad was her weakness, nice to know. Magnolia turned and walked into the kitchens, the younger girl following. A house elf walked over. "What does Mistresses Potters want?" Magnolia smiled. "Can I get some Watermelon?" The house elf nodded and walked away. 

Dahlia turned to Magnolia. "What to they have here?" Magnolia shrugged. "Just ask and if they have it, you shall receive." Dahlia chuckled. "You're kind of funny."Magnolia did a little bow. "Thank you apparently I take after my dad in that category." Dahlia froze. "So your dad's a jokester?" Magnolia nodded. "Was a jokester." Dahlia's mouth formed into an O. "Oh, I'm sorry. When did you?" Magnolia sighed. "I was one. I lost my mum too." Dahlia looked down at the floor. "Oh. I'm sorry." Magnolia shook her head. "It's fine. I miss them sometimes but I was one." 

A house elf walked over and handed Magnolia a bowl of watermelon. "And you miss?" The house elf asked, turning to Dahlia. "Do you have a cheeseburger?" The house elf looked at her funny before nodding and walking away. Magnolia chuckled. "They're mostly used to British food," 

Magnolia casted a sideways glance at Dahlia. "Do you want to come back to my dorm with me? Me, my baby daddy, and the Godfather are painting the nursery and we could use some help. My brother's off doing something with his hero complex and his friends are with him and my godfather is coming later to help with the rest of the nursery and bring some more things." Dahlia smiled and nodded. "I'd love to." 

The house elf walked back over and handed Dahlia a plate with a cheeseburger. "There you go. See you later tonight, Mistress Potter. Would you like me to have the chocolate cake and pudding prepared?" Magnolia nodded. "Yes, Draco can't know." The elf nodded as he waved to Magnolia. 

The girls walked out of the kitchen and towards Magnolia's dorm. "So what house are you in?" Dahlia asked. "Ravenclaw." Dahlia nodded and looked down at her notepad. "That's the smart house, right?" Magnolia nodded. "Yeah but um I'm not in there because I'm smart. I'm witty and creative. How do you think I come up with my pranks?" Dahlia's smile grew. "You're a prankster?" Magnolia nodded. "Yep, one of the best to walk these halls. I'm also the greatest keeper Hogwarts has ever seen but that's besides the point. It's not like I'm bragging or anything." 

Dahlia chuckled, realizing Magnolia had quite the ego. They reached Magnolia's dorm and she pulled the door open. "You have a dorm all to yourself?" Dahlia asked. "Magnolia nodded. "Yep. Perks of being a pregnant lady or as Harry likes to call it pregnant privilege." Dahlia chuckled. "Harry's your brother right?" Magnolia nodded. "You don't think he's cute do you? A lot of girls have tried being my friend just for that reason." Dahlia's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Heavens no!" She shrieked. "I think he looks like a buffoon and he looks oblivious. He's really the savior of the Wizarding world?" Magnolia nodded. "Unbelievable I know." 

Magnolia pushed the door to the nursery open and Blaise turned to her. "Hey, baby mama's back." Draco groaned. "Blaise, please don't feed into her." Magnolia pointed at Blaise. "Keep it up." Blaise chuckled. His eyes fell on Dahlia and he raised his brow. "And she brought no last name." Dahlia looked up a Blaise and gave him a small smile. 

Draco turned around then back towards the wall before doing a double take. "Mags, can I speak with you in the other room?" Magnolia groaned. "But my watermelon?" Draco rubbed his forehead. "You can bring the watermelon with you." Magnolia nodded. "Okay." 

Her and Draco walked into the main room. Draco shutting the door behind him. "What the hell?" He asked. Magnolia stuffed a piece of watermelon into her mouth. "What?" She asked through a mouthful. Draco sighed. "Mags, chew. I thought we didn't trust her." Magnolia chewed and swallowed. "I didn't but then she told me I reminded her of her older sister that passed away and I couldn't Draco. It was too much for my pregnant heart to handled." She placed a hand over her heart. Draco sighed. "Fine, we'll keep her on a short leash." Magnolia nodded picking up another piece of watermelon. "Okay." 

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