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Magnolia groaned as she looked around her room. She was extremely bored and had nothing to do. Fred and George were at a meeting all day, she couldn't play quidditch, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were doing more "important" things. 

Magnolia was still craving pumpkin pasties and nothing seemed to change that. She had tried to thing of other foods but her little bean had it's mind set on pumpkin pasties. "How about pickles?" She had asked, a common pregnancy craving, but that too hadn't worked. It was pumpkin pasties or suffer and Bean was doing exactly that. Every other food had become sickening to Magnolia, until she got those dreaded pumpkin pasties. 

Magnolia's eyes fell on the bassinet in the corner. Maybe putting it together would ease her boredom. Magnolia swung her feet over her bed and onto the floor. She pushed herself up and waddled over to the bassinet. 

Magnolia looked at the picture on the box and shrugged. "It seems easy enough." She used the hair tie on her wrist to tie her hair up and walked over to her dresser. Magnolia pulled a black tank top out and pulled her sweater off. She slipped the tank top over her head which clung to her skin, making her bump more noticeable. 

Magnolia grabbed her wand from the bedside table and walked over to the box. She reached over and pulled the tape off. Magnolia pulled the box open and sat down. She started pulling the pieces out and grabbed the directions. Magnolia flipped to the first page and nodded. "Yep, seems easy." 

Magnolia grabbed the brush from the coffee table and transfigured it into a screwdriver. Magnolia grabbed the bag of screws and ripped it open. Magnolia grabbed the first two pieces and lined them up before screwing them together. 

Draco took a deep breath as he walked through the hallways. He was carrying a plate of pumpkin pasties. After the party he could't sleep so he went to the kitchen and baked some. Actually he had baked a lot. Why did his mother have to teach him to bake? 

Draco stopped when he reached Magnolia's dorm. His heart was racing and he was dreading this apology nonetheless Draco lifted his hand and knocked. "Come in!" Magnolia called. 

Draco pushed the door open and he watched Magnolia visibly tense. She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. There were various parts in front of her and a half built...something. Draco's breath caught when he saw her in the tank top, showing off her cleavage as it clung tight to her breasts. His eyes drifted down and his mood changed, seeing the bump. 

Magnolia's hope had built up when she heard the knock on the door, hoping her boredom would be cured, then she saw Malfoy. "What do you want, Ferret!" She shot. Draco sighed. "I came to apologize," Magnolia's eyes fell onto the floor. "For what I said yesterday." Magnolia nodded as she picked another piece up. 

They waited in silence and Magnolia sighed, looking up. "I'm waiting." She whispered. Draco nodded. "Right, well I um, I'm sorry for saying that. It wasn't very nice especially since you opened up to me and I used that against you." Magnolia nodded. "It wasn't very nice. I trusted you and I didn't really hit where it hurt. I could have been so much meaner." Draco nodded. "You could have especially with all you know. So um I'm sorry. You're not going to end up like your aunt and I mean that, sincerely. You're going to be a great mum and a great person. You are a great person," Draco whispered. Magnolia could tell he was being sincerely and he really did mean it. 

"I know it probably doesn't mean anything but I'm very sorry. It was wrong of me to say that and I hope these make it better." Draco showed her the plate of pumpkin pasties and Magnolia's eyes widened. She stood up as quickly as possible. "Apology accepted now give me those!" Draco chuckled and handed her the plate. "They're that good?" He asked. Magnolia shook her head. "No, it's just...bean's been craving them, like a lot since yesterday." Draco raised his brow. "Then why didn't you go get some?" 

Magnolia sighed. "You're not going to make this easy for me are you?" Draco grinned and shook his head. Magnolia sighed. "She wasn't just craving any pumpkin pasty, She was craving yours." Draco shrugged. "She hasn't tasted them though. That craving was all you," Magnolia glared at him and Draco chuckled. 

"You could have just asked you know?" Magnolia shook her head as she took a bite of a pastry. "No. I was mad at you and I wasn't going to just talk to you." Draco chuckled and nodded. "Alright then. Well I hope you enjoy them, if bean craves more, let me know and I'll make some." Magnolia sighed as Draco turned to leave. She dropped the pasty onto the plate. 

Draco was reaching for the door handle when Magnolia stopped him. "Draco," She whispered. Draco turned around. "I'm really bored and everyone's busy today and as much as I hate to admit it," The two made eye contact. "I enjoy your company." She whispered, her face softening. Draco smiled and looked down at the floor. "Is that your way of asking me to stay, Potter?" Magnolia looked up. "Maybe, Dray." Draco's smile widened and he nodded. "Alright, I'm not doing anything, Mags." 

Magnolia turned around and beamed. She sat down in the spot she had been and quickly dropped the smile. Draco walked over and sat across from her. His eyes fell on the robot baby in the corner. "Is that thing you did still working?" Magnolia followed his gaze and nodded. "Yeah. It's a muggle product. All I had to do was disconnect a few wires and then when the projects over I'll just reconnects them. It's simple." Draco nodded. "And we'll still get an A?" Magnolia nodded as she took another bite of a pumpkin pasty while reading the instructions. 

"Whatcha doing?" Draco asked. Magnolia looked up at him. "Building this." Draco sighed. "Why don't you just use magic?" Magnolia shrugged. "I'm bored and this makes me not so bored." 

Draco nodded and looked over the piece. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his question but he couldn't help it. It came out like word vomit. "Did you and Theo sleep together?" Magnolia looked up and scoffed. "No. Did he say we did?" She asked her jaw clenching. Draco nodded. "Yeah," He whispered. "Last night but um I didn't believe him." Magnolia nodded. "Then why'd you ask?" Draco shrugged. "Mmmm, I don't know. I was just curious." 

Magnolia picked up another pasty and bit into it. She continued looking over the directions. "So any new girls?" She asked. Draco shook his head, leaving out what happened with Astoria last night. It wasn't important. It's not like it would go anywhere. "Any new guys?" Draco questioned. 

"Nope. Just me and bean, against the world." Draco smiled and nodded. "How are you and Fred doing?" Magnolia sighed. "We were fighting but uh we made up." Draco raised his brow. "Oh?" Magnolia looked up at him. "He uh, he admitted he had feelings for me but I-I never uh, I don't feel the same." Draco felt his heart jump. "Really?" Magnolia nodded. "Guess you were wrong huh?" 

Draco shrugged. "Eh, I mean you still have the rest of bean's life." Magnolia sighed and dropped the instructions in her hands. "Why do you say bean like that?" Draco chuckled. "I find it amusing that you named you child bean." Magnolia held her finger up. "Nicknamed." She corrected. "Sorry, sorry. I find it amusing that you nicknamed your child bean." Magnolia glared at him. "Oh, yeah I'd like to see you try better. Between the options Sirius gave me, bean's the better option here." Draco chuckled. 

"How are Sirius and Remus?" Magnolia nodded. "They're good. They're having a baby of their own in fact. They got a surrogate." Draco smiled. "That's amazing. Tell them I said congrats." Magnolia's smile fell. "I will." Draco scanned his eyes over Magnolia. 

"Pregnancy is doing wonders for your skin. You're glowing and your hairs so long." Magnolia grinned. "Thank you. You should see my cankles though. There are ugly sides to pregnancy." Draco chuckled. "Alright, Mags." 

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