Grimmauld Place

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Magnolia walked inside the dark house and looked around. It had a dark theme and there were portraits covering the walls. Sirius carried Magnolia's trunk in and set it down on the floor. "Uh," He stretched his back. "I'll show you to your room, kid." Sirius picked the trunk back up and Sirius led the way up the stairs. 

He led Magnolia to a room with a dark oak door. "We haven't had time to remodel but this one's yours. You can do what you like with it." Sirius pushed the door open and walked inside. He set the trunk at the end of the bed while Magnolia looked around. 

The way was covered in posters of bands, both muggle and wizard. Magnolia noticed a picture of four teenage boys next to the bed. She smiled. "Was his your room?" Sirius nodded as he looked around. His eyes fell on the picture and he smiled. "Yeah," Sirius crossed the room to the picture. He picked it up and ran his thumb over it. "This is your father in fifth year. He's the same age as you in the photo and still obsessed with Lily Evans." Magnolia grinned. "Oh him give up? Never." Sirius nodded and looked up at her. 

"You're right. He didn't give up with her and you can't give up on him," Magnolia's breath caught and Sirius shook his head. "Mags, he'll come around. I'm sure of it. Even if he's a Malfoy, it's obvious you know him more than the rest of us and by the way you talk about him," Sirius sighed. "He'll come around." 

Sirius walked past her but stopped at the door. "There's pictures in the closet in a little black shoe box, in case you'd like to look." Sirius walked out of the room and Magnolia glanced at the closet. She took a deep breath and walked over to it. Magnolia walked over to the closet and pulled the door open. 

She reached up and took the shoe box out of the top of the closet. Magnolia walked over to the small twin size bed and sat on the edge. She pulled the top off and Magnolia looked through the shoe box and smiled. She pulled a Polaroid out of her father holding two toddlers on his hip. 

Magnolia felt tears brim her eyes as she set the photo aside. Magnolia shifted through the box and froze when she came across a picture of her pregnant but as she looked closer she realized the woman had green eyes. Magnolia smiled as tears clouded her vision. She set the picture aside and continued to look through them. 

Sirius and Remus sat downstairs at the kitchen table. "Sirius, do you think Malfoy will go back to her?" Remus asked. Sirius shrugged. "I have no idea, Moony, but I hope so." Remus ran his thumb over his coffee cup. "I'm worried about her. She's going to give birth in less then two months." Sirius nodded. "I know. I think it was dangerous to let her come home and not let her stay at Hogwarts. They can protect her there but here? The death eaters are going to want her, Remus. Let's just hope that Draco can protect her from where he's at." Sirius whispered. Remus nodded. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it was a mistake for her to come home this holiday season. The story was in the papers, there's no way Voldemort doesn't know." Sirius took a sip of his coffee. 

Magnolia had stood outside the kitchen, listening without the two men knowing. Magnolia's eyes fell on her stomach and she placed her hand there. She should have stayed at Hogwarts. She couldn't imagine anything bad happening to her baby. Magnolia couldn't seem to bare that. She sunk to the floor and pulled her knees to her chest, the best she could with her giant bump in the way. 

Remus leaned over and pecked Sirius' lips. "Let's go to bed, love." Sirius nodded and stood up. He stretched and placed his mug in the sink. "I don't think I'll be able to having that coffee." Remus shrugged. "No but you can try." They walked out of the kitchen and Sirius glanced down hearing Magnolia's sniffles. She looked up at them. 

"Do you really think she isn't safe?" Sirius sighed. "I got this one, moons." Remus nodded. He leaned down and kissed Sirius' temple. "Goodnight, love. Goodnight Mags." Remus nodded to her and walked upstairs. 

Sirius sat down across from Magnolia. "I do think it's a risk, you being here." Magnolia's eyes fell on her bump. She placed a protective arm around it. "But there's also a chance that we have nothing to worry about other than Harry. They may be too busy with him to do anything to you." Magnolia reached up and wiped her eyes. 

Sirius patted Magnolia's knee. "Now. what did you come down here for?" Magnolia's gaze fell downward. "Mac and cheese." She whispered. Sirius chuckled. "Let's get you some Mac and cheese then." Sirius stood up and then helped Magnolia up. They walked into the kitchen, Magnolia waddling. Magnolia sat down at the table. "Sirius, do you think I should name my baby after, mum?" Sirius shrugged. "If you want to." Magnolia looked down at her bump. "Perhaps her middle name." Magnolia whispered. Sirius nodded. "You could do that," 

He filled a pot with water and laid it on the stove. Sirius flicked the stove on and began cooking the Mac and cheese. "You should go to bed after this because I know Molly wanted to go shopping with you tomorrow." Magnolia groaned. "How am I suppose to tell Molly?" Sirius shrugged. "You're in quite the pickle, Evans jr." Magnolia nodded. "Tell me about it." 

Draco sat on the couch in the foyer, his head hanging low. His parents stood in front of him, lecturing him but Draco wasn't listening. He had taken the later train home the same train Draco thought Magnolia was taken but she had gone home sooner, probably because Draco hadn't shown up at the appointment.

"Draco!" Lucius hissed. "Are you even listening to us?" Draco looked up and nodded. "Yes, Father." He lied. He hadn't been listening. He was thinking about Magnolia. "Then answer us! Is there any chance that this Potter baby is yours?" Draco studied his father's face. Draco shook his head. "No, father." Lucius sighed. "Then how come you knew the gender of the baby? People don't just know that about other people."

Draco sighed. He had enough of this. "She told me!" Draco snapped. Lucius and Narcissa started at Draco in shock. "She told you?" Lucius asked. Draco nodded. "Yes. We were sitting in class and she let it slip that the baby was a she. It's not like she looked me in the eyes and said 'hey, Draco. I'm having a girl'. She said 'she can hear you. That's how I knew, okay? I'm not the father." Draco lied.

Lucius' eyes burned with rage. He looked over at Narcissa. "Cissy, can we have a moment alone?" Draco was pulling his gloves off. Draco looked over at his mother and he watched her nod before walking out.

Draco felt a lump form in his throat and fear built up inside the pit of his stomach. Lucius stepped forward. "You should watch how you talk to me, young man." That had been a very long night for the both of them and the next morning Draco woke up on the couch with bruised ribs and a black eye. 

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