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Magnolia laid in bed, groaning. "Sirius!" She shouted. There was no answer. "SIRIUS!" She screamed. Sirius appeared in the doorway. "You rang, your highness?" Magnolia smiled. "Can I have apples please? Cut in slices though. It's not the same." Sirius sighed. He laid his head on the doorframe. "When will Remus save me from this ungodly torture?" Magnolia picked the pillow up from behind her and tossed it at Sirius. "Hey!" Sirius looked up at her as the pillow connected with his side. "Apples coming right up." Magnolia smiled contently as Sirius left. 

Magnolia picked her book back up and went back to reading. She had another week of break left and then after that, another week of bed rest. Magnolia's sighed as she continued reading her book. There was a knock on the door frame and she looked up. Fred was standing in the doorway holding a bowl. "Sirius told me to bring these to you." Magnolia smiled and held her hands out. "Gimme, gimme, gimme." Fred chuckled. He walked over and handed Magnolia the bowl. 

Fred leaned in for a kiss but Magnolia turned her head. "Fred." She whispered. Fred pulled away and shook his head. "Don't say it." He mumbled. Magnolia sighed. "It feels forced. We're forcing it." Fred nodded. "But I don't want too. I really do." Magnolia nodded. "I know but," She sighed. "I love someone else and I'm not going to do this to you. You'll find someone, I promise. You're a great guy and you don't deserve this." Fred nodded. "You're right. It does feel forced." Magnolia smiled and patted his knee. "Great talk." Fred chuckled. 

"How are you doing?" He asked. Magnolia smiled. "I'm good." Fred nodded. "How's bean?" Magnolia sighed. "Sleeping." Fred raised his brow. "Isn't that a good thing?" Magnolia shook her head. "No. She's suppose to sleep while I'm sleeping." Fred chuckled. "Well, I just wanted to check on you before going to this meeting. I'll see you Friday." Magnolia nodded. "See you then." 

Fred stood up and walked out. Magnolia looked back down at her book. "Alright where were we?" She whispered. Magnolia began reading again. 

Draco stumbled through the Floo and wiped his suit off. "I'll never get used to the landing." He whispered. Draco looked up to see Remus coming downstairs. "Hello, Draco." He smiled. Draco smiled back. He gave Remus a small nod. "Hello, Remus. Is she in her room?" Remus shook his head. 

"She got tired of no human contact and begged us to bring her down here," Remus pointed at the living room. "She's in there on the couch." Draco nodded. "Thank you." Draco walked into the living room to see Magnolia curled up on the couch with a book. Draco walked over to her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Aren't you suppose to be on bed rest?" Magnolia looked up at him. "I'm suppose to stay off my feet and I'm on the couch, not my feet." Draco chuckled. "I brought you something." Magnolia sat up straighter. "Really, what?" Draco grinned as he reached into his bag. "You're like a child." He whispered. Magnolia nodded. "Well you brought me something so I'm excited now." 

Draco handed Magnolia a tin from his bag and she ripped it open. Magnolia saw brownies and smiled. She picked one up and bit into it. "Oh my god this is disgusting," Magnolia spit the bite she took back into the tin and looked up at Draco. "This tastes healthy!" Draco shook his head. "There's nothing healthy in it." He stated. Magnolia narrowed her eyes. "Now you're lying to me."  Draco raised his brow. "You really want to start this game with me?" 

Magnolia picked one up and started picking it apart. "What are you doing!" Draco shrieked. Magnolia looked up at him, holding a piece of zucchini. "They're not healthy?" Magnolia asked. Draco sighed. "You have to eat healthy." Magnolia crossed her arms over her chest. "For your information I have been eating healthy. For lunch today, I ate a salad with chicken." Draco shook his head. "Fried chicken doesn't count." Magnolia's jaw dropped. "It wasn't fried. It was baked." Draco sighed. "So if I go ask-""Yes. Now will you get me some strawberries from the kitchen. Bean wants some." Draco chuckled. "Of course." 

He walked into the kitchen to see Sirius making something on the stove. Sirius turned around hearing the boards creak. He looked Draco up and down before turning back to the stove. "Hello, Mr. Black." Draco whispered. 

Remus walked in behind him and sighed. "Sirius, leave the poor boy alone. He's done nothing wrong." Sirius turned to Remus with a raised brow. "He's done nothing wrong? He's done nothing wrong!" Draco looked between the two adults, holding his breath. Remus sighed. 

"He was scared, Sirius. Put yourself in his shoes. I'm sure if the same thing happened to you while we were in school-""It wouldn't have because I'm gay-""Sirius! You're ruining the point." 

Sirius sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "And what's the point?" Remus shook his head. "He came back didn't he? So he wasn't here for a month but he's going to be here for the hard part. He missed the easy part," Remus leaned over to Draco. "This is the part where you nod and agree." 

Draco nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna here until I die. This kid is the one thing I need in my life right now. I'm not going anywhere," Draco shrugged. "I'm going to be here for the hard parts." Sirius shook his head. "James still wouldn't like him, so I still don't," Sirius pointed the spoon in his hand as Draco. "But you better be there. I'm not afraid to go back to Azkaban." Remus glared at Sirius as Draco nodded. "Yes, sir." Sirius smiled. "Good," Sirius poured whatever was in the pot into two mugs. "Glad we're on the same page." 

Sirius picked the mugs up and walked out of the kitchen. Draco looked up at Remus. "He wasn't serious about the Azkaban thing right?" Remus sighed. "I'm afraid he's always Sirius." Draco's brows furrowed. 

"Oh bloody hell!" Sirius shouted. Draco and Remus turned towards the door out. Draco held his finger up. "Mags wanted strawberries. I need to get strawberries." Remus nodded. "They're in the fridge." Draco walked over and pulled the fridge open. He grabbed the carton of strawberries, shut the fridge, and hurried into the living room. 

Sirius was sitting in the chair next to the couch, reading the book Magnolia had previously had. "It's not even that sad, Prongsella." Draco's eyes fell on Magnolia. She had her face buried in her hands as her body shook with sobs. Draco set the strawberries on the coffee table and hurried to Magnolia. "Mags, what's wrong, love?" Magnolia looked up at him and sniffled. "The," sob. "Guy," Sob. "He loved her and he uhhhh." Magnolia flung herself onto Draco. 

Draco looked at Sirius as he sighed. "Alright, no more romance novels for the next two months." Sirius stated as he shut the book. Magnolia looked over at him. "B-b-but-""Evans, you're heartbroken. Your mother was the same way when she was pregnant with you and Harry." Magnolia sat up. "She was?" Sirius nodded. "She couldn't read romance, watch romance, listen to audio books, none of it. It always ended in Lily sobbing," Remus said from the doorway. 

He walked over and soothed Magnolia's hair down. "You've done a lot of things similar to what she did when she was pregnant." Magnolia looked between the two adults. "How come you didn't tell me?" Sirius shrugged. "We didn't want to make you feel bad." Magnolia sighed. "Well it would have made me feel closer to mum knowing these things." 

Sirius pointed at Magnolia with a grin. "There's another one, Remmy, trying to make us feel bad for our actions against her." Remus turned to Sirius. "Don't call me Remmy ever again or it will be the last thing you do." 

Magnolia chuckled as she turned to Draco. She grabbed his hand and laid it on her stomach. "Will you stay here tonight?" She whispered. Draco nodded. "Of course, love." He leaned forward and pecked her forehead. 

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