The First Day Of School Is The Worst Day Of Scoool

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Magnolia turned to the twins. "You guys really don't have to see me off to school. I'll be fine." Fred shook his head. "Nonsense. You're carrying my kid of course I'm going to see you off." Magnolia glanced over at George. He nodded. "Yeah. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you or my nephew." Magnolia raised her brow.

"Nephew?" George nodded. "Yes you're having a boy and you can't convince me otherwise." Magnolia chuckled. "Okay." Fred pointed a finger at Magnolia.

"Send us updates. We want to be kept up." He told her. Magnolia smiled and nodded. "I will." She hugged Fred and George and turned to get on the train.

Magnolia stepped onto the train and walked to her usual compartment. She pulled the door open and smiled at Hermione. "Hi, Mione. How was your summer?" Hermione smiled back. "It was good. How was your summer?" Magnolia chuckled. "Eventful."

The door opened again and Ron and Harry walked in. "Hey, Mags." Ron smiled at her and sat down across from her. "Hi, Ronald."

Hermione turned to Magnolia. "So how are you feeling?" Magnolia groaned. "Harry!" Harry threw his hands up. "It wasn't me." Ron rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh I told her." Magnolia sat up straighter. "Oh?" She grinned. Ron shot a glare at her. "Shut up." He whispered.

The train ride was halfway over and Magnolia was hunched over the toilet, puking her guts outs. There was a knock on the door.

"Are you sure you don't want help?" Hermione asked. Magnolia lifted her head. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little motion si-." Magnolia puked again. "Alright. I'm going to head back to the compartment. If you need anything I'll get you it." Magnolia shook her head. "No, no. I'm good."

Magnolia heard footsteps walking away but soon her vomiting over ruled it. Magnolia lifted her head up and groaned. "Stupid stupid morning sickness." She mumbled.

Draco was tapping his finger on the table when he overheard some second years gossiping. Draco lifted his head and tuned in to their conversation.

"Did you hear?" The girl shook her head. "Potter's sister is in the bathroom getting sick. She's been in there since the train started moving." Draco furrowed his brows. "Maybe she's sick." One of the students suggested. The first one shook her head. "No. Someone went to use the bathroom and heard her mumbling about morning sickness. She's bloody pregnant." Draco's eyes widened and he felt his heart rate speed up.

Pansy hurried over to them and sat down. "Did you hear?" She asked. Blaise shook his head. "Hear what?" Pansy grinned. "Potter's pregnant." Blaise scoffed. "Harry's pregnant?" Pansy rolled her eyes. "No you bimbo. Magnolia. Who do you think the father is?"

Draco was staring at the table, shocked. A million scenarios were running through his head. "You're being awfully quiet, Draco. Is it you?" Blaise asked. Pansy glared at Blaise. "No! He's dating me. He would never sleep with that slut!" Draco snapped his head up. "Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean she's a slut!" He snapped at her. Draco turned his attention to Blaise.

"She's got a boyfriend. It's probably his." Blaise leaned forward. "Who's her boyfriend?" Draco shrugged. "Don't know. Guess you'll have to ask her. I mean we don't even know if she's for sure pregnant." Blaise tilted his head. "Come on. When has gossip about a Potter ever been wrong?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "I just don't believe gossip. Guess we'll find out in a couple of months." Draco looked off down the train to where the bathrooms were. He bit the inside of his cheek, debating whether to go back to the bathroom.

Magnolia felt the train stop and she whispered a silent prayer. She waited a few minutes before standing up, making sure the nausea was gone.

Magnolia pushed the bathroom door open and stumbled out. Everyone was already off the train. Magnolia walked off to see everyone heading towards the carriages. Magnolia caught up to Ron and Hermione.

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