Shopping Trip

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Magnolia and Molly were walking through a wizard store. Molly was looking through baby clothes and humming while Magnolia kept her hands in her pockets. She tilted her head and Molly turned to her. "What's wrong dear?" She asked. Magnolia snapped out of her trance. She couldn't help but think about telling Molly the truth. "Hmmm?" 

Molly looked through another rack. "You've been quiet and haven't picked anything out. I can tell something's troubling you, dear. What is it?" Magnolia sighed and her eyes fell on the lineuom floor. "Molly, the truth is, when I found out-" Magnolia was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. 

"Hey, Sorry I couldn't be here sooner." Magnolia looked up to see Fred. He pressed a kiss to her temple and pulled away. "How's shopping going?" Molly smiled and nodded. "It's fine, dear." 

Fred grinned. "Mum, have you felt the baby kick yet?" Molly gasped. "No! Oh, May I, Magnolia?" Magnolia nodded as she shot a glared at Fred. Molly laid her hand on Magnolia's stomach as Fred looked down at her. He saw the glare and his face fell. Fred knew exactly what is was for.

Molly beamed as she felt a kick against her hand. She straightened. "Oh that's wonderful." Magnolia smiled and nodded. "Do you mind if we have a minute, Mrs. Weasley?" Molly nodded. "Of course dear." Molly pushed the trolley to a different aisle and Magnolia turned to Fred. "You were suppose to tell her!" Magnolia shrieked. 

Fred nodded. "I know and I went to tell her but she was knitting a blanket for her and I couldn't." Magnolia sighed and looked down the aisle to where Molly was looking at stuffed animals. "She needs to know Fred." Fred sighed. "I don't see why she has too. Draco doesn't even know," Magnolia looked up at him, her face falling. Fred's face fell. "Malfoy knows?" 

Magnolia nodded. "Yeah." Fred nodded. "And I take it that he's not helping." Magnolia shook her head. "No but I think he might come around." Fred sighed. He looked over at his mother. "I'll tell her, just let her have this moment please." Magnolia nodded. "I'm not a monster." She laid her hand on her stomach and sighed. 

Fred tilted his head. "You tired?" Magnolia nodded. "I haven't slept in two days." Magnolia whispered. She rubbed her forehead. Fred tilted his head. "Why couldn't you sleep?" Magnolia sighed. "Just nerves I guess and bean's kicking like crazy." Fred nodded. "What are you worried about?" Fred crossed his arms over his chest and Magnolia sighed. "I was just thinking about how I would have been safer if I staid at the castle for Christmas." Fred reached forward and squeezed Magnolia's shoulder. "It'll be alright. The order will protect you." 

Magnolia bit her lip. "Let's just shop today." Fred nodded. "Alright. We better get going before my mum goes crazy. It's something about old lady's a shopping for babies." Magnolia chuckled and they walked over to Molly. 

Molly held up a stuffed dragon. "Should we go with this one or the classic teddy?" Magnolia chuckled at the irony. "The dragon." Molly set the dragon into the trolley and moved on. 

Fred held his hand out for Magnolia and gave her a smile. Magnolia looked down at it with a raised eyebrow and Fred sighed. "Just platonically. That is a thing." Magnolia bit her lip and slid her hand into Fred. They walked down the aisles picking things out. 

They had gotten clothes, things for the nursery, and essentials. Fred had gone back to Grimmauld place with Magnolia and they were currently sitting in her room. The bags from their shopping trip all over the floor along with boxes. 

Magnolia rubbed her eyes and yawned. Fred chuckled. "You know you can go to sleep right." Magnolia shook her head. "No. My back hurts way too much right now and I forgot my stupid pillow at the castle. Fred sighed. "Do you want to use me as a pillow?" Magnolia looked up at him. Their eyes connecting. Magnolia smiled. "You'd do that for me?" Fred chuckled. "I think it's obvious that by now I'd do anything for you." Magnolia scooched over. "Well, I'm exhausted sooooo...." Magnolia looked down at the bed then back up at Fred. Fred chuckled and laid down. He picked one of the pillows up and placed it under his head. Magnolia laid down next to him, placing her head on his chest.. Fred reached down and placed his hand on Magnolia's bump. 

"Are you excited?" He whispered. Magnolia nodded as her eyes drooped. Fred rubbed his thumb in a circle. "Magnolia, would you be willing to give us a try?" He whispered. Magnolia looked up at him. "What?" 

Fred sighed. "Just test run it for a few days. I think you'd be surprised." Magnolia bit her lip as she thought for a moment. She wanted to be fair to Fred. "Alright. Just a few days and we'll see where it goes from there." Fred grinned. He leaned down and pecked Magnolia's lips, taking her by surprise. Fred pulled away. "Get some sleep, love. Tomorrow I'm taking you out." Magnolia nodded as her cheeks turned red and she laid her head back onto her chest, falling asleep to the sound of Fred's heartbeat. 

Fred smiled as he continued to rub his hand over Magnolia's bump. Fred hummed you are my sunshine as he did. "You deserve so much better than Malfoy, Darling. I'll make sure you get just that." 

Draco sat in his bed, running his hands through his hair. His hair had never been as messy as it was now but it seemed like he couldn't keep his hands out of it and he couldn't stop pacing. He had spent the entire day pacing in his room except now. His legs had grown tired and he needed to sit down. 

Draco dropped his head into his hands and shook his head. He had thought a lot about his decision in those three weeks that Magnolia had ignored him and he was starting to regret it. Draco drug his hands down his face and looked up. "I made a mistake," He whispered. Draco jumped up and grabbed his jacket from the chair at his desk. 

He threw it over him and hurried down the stairs. Draco reached his hand out for the doorknob but his dad's voice stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" Lucius' voice was cold as ice. Draco pulled his hand away and turned around. "I was going to Blaise's." Lucius shook his head. "No. We have a meeting at your aunt's house. Come." Draco's shoulders slumped and he nodded. "Yes, father." Draco whispered, knowing the consequences would be dire if he refused. 

Draco followed his father but not before casting a look back at the door. 

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