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Oswald's POV

The last few days went surprisingly well. Edward lovingly cared for Marylin and it was obvious that the two really loved each other, which gave me after awhile the trust to leave him alone with her.

I was just in the nursery putting away baby clothes when suddenly a loud bang followed by a startled cry, was heard.

Without hesitating I rushed downstairs into the living room, where Ed was staying with the baby girl.

Three men were standing in front of them with guns pointed right at Ed and the little girl.

"Where is Cobblepot?!?" One of them yelled at the riddler. Fearfully Ed held our daughter tightly in his arms.

As the man turned around, recognizing me, a devilish smile crept on his face.

"What a pleasure to meet the pathetic, failed ex-mayor of Gotham." He purred full of irony and mockery.

"What do you want?!" I yelled aggressively at him, feeling the urge to smash his face.

He chuckled. "Let's make this a little more interesting.
So either you come with us without resistance and there might be a chance that we don't kill these two unless of course we still feel like it. Or you refuse and we will slowly and painfully kill the two present before your eyes. Your decision. I'll count to five."


"I'll come with you but please I beg you don't harm them."I instantly responded pleading.

"Wise decision." Roughly he grabbed my neck, dragging me along with him. I took a last glance at my daughter and Ed, who had tears in his eyes.

While one of the foreign men stayed at my house, watching over them, the other two demanded me to get into their car.

"Where are we going?" I asked shaking.

But none of them replied. I knew that this whole thing wouldn't end well for me. And though I was fulfilled with fear and panic, I wouldn't want it any other way as long as I could save my baby and the riddler.

• • •

It felt like hours as the car finally stopped driving.
Forcing me out of the vehicle, I recognized the surroundings and remembered the first time I met Jim Gordon when he spared me from death.

How macabre...

"Oswald, my good old friend." A familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind. Butch

Turning around I faced him furiously. "What do you want from me?!" I hissed.

"What I want?!" He laughed. "Seeing you dead of course. You blamed the death of Ed's bitch on us! Tabitha lost her hand and almost died because of you, asshole!!! So now I am here to avenge her! And it's going to be more than a pleasure." He growled dangerously.

"Ohhh buhu. Little Tabby is hurt and now big dumbass Butch is angry. " I mocked theatrically.

He hit me hard in the face so that I stumbled and fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

"Goodbye Penguin." He pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger.

A massive pain shot through my body as the bullet pierced my insides. Now it was over.




I love you

• • •

~ Helix❤

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