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Oswald's POV

„So now we are here just you and me." Ed sneered confidently of victory.

„Though I'm surprised that you've called me. Nevermind let's get this to end, shall we?"
For a brief second, I opened my eyes, staring at him emotionlessly.

No, I would not give him the satisfaction of his victory by expressing my infinite fear and sadness that I could not hold my daughter in my arms a little longer.
„Just remember, your promise." was the last thing before I closed my eyes again, ready for death to get me.

„GCPD!!! Weapon down!!!" A sudden, all too familiar voice shouted. Jim Gordon...

What the hell is he doing in my house?!

„Edward Nygma I arrest you for disturbing the peace in Gotham and attempted murder of Tabitha and Butch," Gordon announced and cuffed the Riddler's hands behind his back.
Suddenly a soft crying was heard. Jim turned around to me, frowning.

„What was that noise? And why are you looking like trash?"

I just shrugged, but then again Marylin softly stared crying. Gordon followed the sound.

„Don't you dare to open that door," I yelled at him, getting out of the bed, whereby I totally forgot the fresh wound of the cesarean section. A massive pain shot through my abdomen, crying out loud, I sank to the ground.
I heard some faint voices before everything around me turned into endless darkness.

• • •

A soft grip on my shoulder rosed me from my unconscious. Confused I blinked a few times. Where was I? What happened? But suddenly it fell to me like scales from my eyes.

The gun...
Jim Gordon...


I started to panic. Where was my baby?!
As I looked up, I faced doctor Ross, who was smiling calmly at me. Olga was standing behind her with a bundle of blankets. My daughter.

She came to me, carefully handing me my girl.
Tears of joy fulfilled my eyes as I looked at her in amazement. She was such a beautiful little girl. It was already noticeable that she had the same nose as Edward. Ed...

„Could someone please tell me what the hell happened?" I asked the two women in front of me.

Dr. Ross sighed. „After you blacked out, I explained to the detective that the baby was Olga's, which she adopted a few hours ago. At first, he didn't believe me but as I told him that I was here to check on the baby's health and everything he was finally convinced. To your luck, he didn't ask questions about your condition, because honestly, I wouldn't have known how to explain this to him."

I nodded, thankfully. „What happened to Ed?"

„You mean this crazy guy, who wanted to kill you, which you obviously knew and didn't tell me?!" Olga now interfered, sounding really upset about it.

„I'm sorry but this was the only way to protect my daughter," I murmured apologetically.

She huffed. „Anyway, the detective took the mad man with him, and what I assume, brought him to Arkham, where he definitely belongs to."

I wanted to object to it but little Marylin started whimpering softly.

„I guess she is hungry." Doctor Ross discovered. Nodding I moved my shirt up and guided the little one to my breast, where she instantly began sucking.

I giggled, looking at her satisfied, cute little face.

„I think we'll leave you two alone for a while. If you need anything, just call us." Both women said and left the room.

„Thank you," I called after them.

Finally, I was able to enjoy the time alone with my little daughter.

• • •

~ Helix❤

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