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Oswald's POV

After Ed left, I got myself dressed in some other clothes and told Olga that I would be away for some time.
Since it was a sunny day outside, I decided to walk instead of taking the car.
Meanwhile, I thought about some possible names for the baby. I really couldn't wait when I finally was getting to know if it's going to be a girl or a boy.

What will he or she look like?

Like Me or like Ed?

Will it be strong and healthy?

Being lost in thoughts, I almost ran past the big building.

So I went into the Main Public Library, ringing a little bell on the information desk. Not a second later, a blonde woman with blue eyes and raspberry pink lips came to me.

"Hello there." I scoffed, scanning her. Ridiculous blondie

"Mr. Mayor. What an honor. How can I help you?" She said softly, smiling.

"I am attending the Founders' dinner this evening, and I wanted to brush up the history of Gotham's first families." I lied straightly into her face.

Isabella nodded.

"My chief of Staff suggested I come here. I think you might know him" I continued.

She grinned and her eyes sparkled "Yes I know Edward. We met a few days ago. But..." She sighed "Well, I feel I've known him my whole life."

"How romantic." I fairly smiled although my inside wanted to slit her throat and rip out her heart.

"Oh. Listen to blathering on. You wanted a book?" She quickly said, turning around, looking into a box full of books.

Meanwhile, I noticed some cutout figures on a shelf, which exactly looked like Edward and Isabella.

Eww gross. Who does this blonde woman think she is? His girlfriend? He's obsessed, jealous, stalking wife?
And some people say, I'm sick?!

"I'm so glad you appreciate Ed." Slowly but surely, I was getting really annoyed about my own fake-friendly acting.

Isabella chuckled nervously, grabbing the figures and stuffed them into a book.

"Really, I should say thank you for brightening Ed's spirits." I said with a sarcastically undertone.

Don't slit her throat

Don't slit her throat

Hopefully, my little one wasn't capable to hear my thoughts.

The blonde woman quizzically looked at me.

"He has been so down since he got out of Arkham." Swallow the bait.

Slowly she came a few steps towards me.

"Edward was in Arkham?" Frowning her gaze rested on me.

"You don't know?" My face froze emotionless. "It was front-page news."

"I stick to books. Don't people typically go to Arkham for murder?" There were unsureness and a bit of fear, mirroring her eyes.

"I make it a policy not to gossip about staff, but..."

" Yes." I mouthed, hoping that she finally got it to let her fingers off him.

She scoffs, went passed me, taking a book and hold it out to me.

"Uncanny how much you look like her."

Blinking fearfully, she looked down on her feet.

My gaze fixed on her. "It's that swan-like neck." That's not even a lie.

"Mhmm-hmm" With shaking fingers, she touched protectively her neck.

"Ed loves a neck." I said laughing. "Well, thank you for the book. It was a pleasure meeting you." I winked at her and she gave me a shy smile before I turned around, making my way out of the library. Satisfied.

• • •

~ Helix❤

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