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Oswald's POV

I had to admit that the last few days, though they were exhausting, had been the best of my life.
Waking up beside this wonderful creation of life, looking into her cute little face, amazed me every time anew.

It took its time to get used to all the new tasks and responsibilities. But now I think that I'm not that bad at parenting.

"Good morning, sunshine." Smiling I kissed her forehead. She kicked happily, causing me to laugh. Oh dear, I love her so much.

„Let's get ready shall we?" Carefully I lifted her up, dragging her over to the changing table.

At first, I changed her diapers then I dressed her in some fresh clothes. After it, I sat down on the bed again to satisfy her hunger.

"Ouch. There is someone very hungry today." I flinched as she lightly bites my sensitive nipple.

While she was drinking, I thought about Edward. How was he doing? What did he think about our daughter? Did he think about her at all?

Suddenly, an idea hit me. Why not visiting him in Arkham Asylum? Maybe it's a bad idea but on the other hand, the only one to find out the truth about everything which had gone wrong between us.


"Yes, Mr. Cobblepot?" She quickly ran into my bedroom. "What do you need?"

"I need you to look after Marylin for the next few hours. I'm going to visit her farther."

"Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Not really but I have to. It's not only because of me.
It's about our little girl because I want a good and safe life for her, which is only possible if I settle this matter once and for all.

The housekeeper looked at me skeptically but nodded.

"Thank you, Olga. I'm going to get ready now."

• • •

Later at Arkham Asylum...

I'm here to visit the detainee Edward Nygma, I'm a friend." I told the officer behind the thick glass window, who stared at me with disinterest. "What's your name?"

"Oswald Cobblepot, the ex-mayor of Gotham."

He signed. "Follow me." He started moving, toward the hallway, and I followed.

Finally, he stopped, and then I saw him...Ed...cowering like a heap of misery in the corner of his cell. Barely he looked up. "Oswald?" He whispered in surprise.

"Can we have a moment?" I asked the guard. He flashed me a skeptical look but nodded and left.

"Why are you here?" The riddler questioned.

"Because I wanted to speak to you and clarify everything to prevent our paths from unpleasantly crossing again.
A lot of things have gone wrong between us but I don't want to run away and close my eyes anymore...No...I have a child now who carries a lot of responsibility with it and I want to manage it in my own life too, as I should have done already years ago.
Anyway, I want to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart and with all seriousness.
I know you are angry with me...Probably hate me. Rightly so. Because I took away what you loved, and I, of all people, should understand how this unbearable pain feels.
But I was so obsessed with my feelings for you that it made me forget the reality. I am deeply sorry for what I have done to you and really wish I could undo it because I am truly sorry.

That, my dear Ed, is what I wanted to tell you. I did not come here to beg for forgiveness and to spare my life, because I am well aware that your hunt for me will never end.
But I ask you for one thing, as I said back at the time. Spare my daughter, for whom I am grateful to you, that you have given her to me.
Otherwise, I swear to you here and now, after my death, to pursue you into your dreams and thus slowly but surely drive you mad."

"What is her name?"


"What is our daughter's name?" He repeated, approaching me. Did he just say ours?


"Beautiful." I looked frowning at him.

Suddenly he reached forward, grabbing me by the collar.

"Yes! I wanted to torture you, drive you mad, and finally kill you for all this pain that cost me Isabella's death!" He yelled at me. But?

"But when I saw you there in that bed with that little petite creature that sprang from that strange, unplanned night...something changed... Changed in me. I feel something I have never felt before. It's violent, frightening, and yet beautiful." His voice turned soft and quiet.

"Father feelings."


"You have father feelings just like me."

Ed looked at me in disbelief. "Does that mean I feel some kind of love for her? That's insane."

"No, it's not. That's what it's meant to be a father."

His jaw dropped. It had to be a real shock for him to realize what it meant to be a father now.

"Listen, Ed. I can get you out of here if you're serious and want to take care of Marylin, I don't want to deprive her of the chance to grow up without a father and spend a lifetime wondering who and where he might be.
But I have one condition...I will never leave you alone with her, I don't have the trust for that, and as soon as I put her to sleep you have left the house.
Do we have a deal?"

He hesitated and I already had doubts whether this was a good idea. But then he firmly grabbed my hand and looked at me with determination.


• • •

~ Helix

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