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Oswald's POV

In this night I slept horrible, dreaming about dead, bloody children bodies and my mother haunting me through the whole house. I woke up with a scream and a tears stained face. Staring into the darkness, I tried my best to think about something positive but there was nothing but these horrible pictures, burned in my mind.

I felt tears running down my cheeks, as my hands were slightly touching my stomach. I couldn't put it in words, how incredibly bad I felt for what I did to my unborn child.

It was really strange, feeling something like love towards a currently non-existing creature. Just the thought of abandoned the baby sent cold shivers through my spine. But that was one of the biggest problems. A merciless and dreaded man like me, couldn't be soft and care to take, it's a weakness...

Another problem, I didn't know how to raise a child. I was alone and had work to do. Probably Olga could watch after the little one. But what if the city gets to know about me being a future farther? They would definitely kill me and the baby, even if it's not born yet.

Thoughts over thoughts, I couldn't find back to sleep again, I stood up and stumbled into the kitchen, which was a bit more difficult than I imagined. My head was spinning and my stomach hurt like hell. Then another horrible thought hit me...What if the child wasn't alive anymore, because I hit it too hard yesterday?

I sank down on the floor, curling myself to a ball, not caring if I looked weak, helpless or lost.

There was just one thing I wanted more than child...and a happy family together with the big beloved idiot named...Edward Nygma...

• • •

"Mister Cobblepot...? Mister Cobblepot?!?!" I heard faint yelling. Hands gripping my shoulders, shaking them wildly. Slowly I opened my eyes, recognizing a female person through my blurred vision.

She looked like the doctor, who visited me yesterday, explaining to me that I was pregnant.



Oh hell!

I sat up, everything was spinning like crazy.

"Y-yes." I mumbled, placing a hand against my forehead.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked, helping me to stand up.

"Not really. I don't know, suddenly I got really strong cramps and then I blacked out."

"I will have a look, just sit down at first."

Following her instruction, I sat down on a chair, beside the dining table.

"May I?" The doctor asked, softly touching my stomach.

I nodded, trusting the woman, to do her best.

After a while, she looked up at me. Afraid of what she was going to say, I held my breath.

"As far as I can say, the baby is okay. It was obviously the stress of the last few days.
BUT,  from now on you have to avoid any kind of psychological pressure if you don't want to harm your child since I know that you want to keep it."

"I never said that." I snapped sternly.

She just grimaced and rolled her eyes, standing up.

"I wish you good luck, Mister Cobblepot and if you need something you can always call me." Before the young woman went to the door, she turned around, whispering into my ear.

"Never forget to keep it a secret."

You don't have to tell me twice.

• • •

~ Helix❤

The Villian's Baby || Nygmobblepot mpregМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя