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Oswald's POV

The next day...

"Oswald I need to speak with you." Ed suddenly stormed into my living room furiously. I spilled my tea in fright and surprise.

"Y-Yes?" I asked him, stuttering quietly.

The riddler came towards me, snorting dangerously. "Isabella was murdered."

"What!?" I fairly gasped in shock.

"I went to the intersection where she died. It was four blocks from her apartment. Who falls asleep four blocks from their home? No one! Also, a very fragrant homeless man said that he heard her scream before the crash, so definitely... not asleep. Now if she was awake, why didn't she brake? Why are there no skid marks?"

"Ed, you are exhausted, you are, you are emotional —"

"Her break lines were cut! Which leaves one conclusion...Murder."

"No..." My facial features tensed up, feeling my heart drop at the same time.

"Yes. And I know who did it..."

My limbs started shaking uncontrolled, if it was THE thought, which hit me off guards then I would be a dead man within the next few seconds.

"Who?" Almost inaudible, it left my lips. This one word, which would be the judge, of how my life was going to continue...or not. I held my breath. Dear God...


You...Wait...Did he say, Butch?


Ed's facial expression went dangerously cold-stoned. "In retaliation. For exposing him as the leader of the Red Hood Gang."

A wave of pure facilitation shot through my entire being. Butch!? Really?! But well he saved our lives, so I guess...Thanks, big boy? You're going to die for nothing. To be honest...who is going to miss you? I couldn't help but enjoyed this kind of satisfaction.

"That makes perfect sense. I swear to you Ed, we will find him and make him pay for what he has done." convincing I patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, I knew I could count on you." He smiled thankfully and left quickly my home.

"Well, I guess we have to wait a little more before we tell daddy the news..." I whispered to myself.

• • •

Since my back was killing me, I decided to sit back and do nothing for the rest of the day, except, creating plans for the baby's nursery and equipment. I wanted to do it myself but the risk of being caught in public was too high.

So Olga would be the one, to take care of. After tomorrow's conference with Gotham's five families, I was going to talk to her.
Curiosity and Excitement filled me, what the final result was going to look like, but anyway it had to match the baby's gender, which I was more than glad to finally know, though I did expect differently.

Seeing my life from this point of view, it couldn't be better, except for my complicated love situation, but I would never give up. Because of my unborn, I felt something, I never had all the past years. Hope.

Taking a piece of paper and a pen, I began to write down all the necessary things, Dr. Ross told me, to get for the little one.

In the end, I noticed that it was quite a lot to organize, but with the help and advice of the Doctor and Olga...

...I was able to fight all resistance.

~ Helix❤

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