C-h-a-p-t-e-r T-w-e-n-t-y-E-i-g-h-t

610 10 36

Sophie shivered under the small cloth laid on top of her. She had been frigid ever since the whole ability-testing thing. That's why she was in the Neverseen's equivalent of a Healing Center. Why would they try to freeze her?

The whole thing was confusing to Sophie. She just wanted to be back home with her mom, and dad, and Amy. Sophie knew she would probably never see them again, but she could hope, right? She shivered again, but not from the cold. 

"Here, drink this," Said an undefinable voice. A dark cloak was wrapped around the person with a Neverseen eye on the shoulders. It was the Neverseen's physician, and Sophie had no real idea who was behind the cloak. They apparently wore an adler for good measure.

The thought of that made Sophie a little sad. She had given up a lot for the Neverseen, and they barely gave her anything in return. 

Sophie shook the thought away, she was being selfish. The Neverseen had saved her, hadn't they? She was still in their debt. She-

Someone clearing their throat broke her train of thought. Sophie turn her head to see the physician looking at the door where a small figure seemed to be. Sophie couldn't see past the Neverseen member and she was too cold to really move.

"What do you want?" The physician grumbled.

"I have a delivery," The familiar voice of the infamous boy echoed in Sophie's ears. "From my mom."

"Fine," Came the sharp reply.

Quiet footsteps echoed down the small room. There were only three cots and a small shelf where the potions and remedies were held. The walls and floor were white, like everything in this hideout. Sophie loved the Garden Room because of it's color and vibrancy compared to everything else in this place substituted for home.

Keefe gave Sophie a small bouquet of  flowers. "My mom wanted me to give these to you."

The flowers were luscious and stunning. Sophie was a little shocked that Lady Gisela would even spare another thought about her. There were some flowers Sophie didn't recognize. 

"Whoa, this is beautiful." She whispered, as if she spoke to loud, the beauty of the gift would vanish and she would wake up from this dream of generosity.

Though she didn't want to, she added, "Thanks, Keefe."

"No problem, Foster," Keefe smirked. 

"I'm serious," She said, not letting her eyes of his until he looked at her. "Thank you."

Keefe's smirk fell into a small smile, "Just get better, okay?"


"Now," The physician said, breaking the mood in the room. "You've done your part. Leave."

Keefe rose his hands, "Alright, alright." And he walked out of the room.

The physician mumbled something about supplies and left the room.

And Sophie was left. . . all alone.

○   ○   ○

Sophie trailed down the halls of the hideout. It was like a maze. The twists and turns and the loops and dead ends. It was a little intimidating.

The physician had released her around ten minutes ago, saying Sophie had been called to a meeting with Gethen. Now she was finding her way down the bending  hallways.

Finally, Sophie was able to recognize the starkly blank walls and floor where her room was held. From there she was able to coordinate where the other rooms she knew were. She walked to the small training room she often was often in.

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