C-h-a-p-t-e-r T-h-i-r-t-e-e-n

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Somehow, Sophie found herself crouched near the door next to Keefe. How he convinced her to eavesdrop was beyond her.

"I really don't think-"Sophie tried.

"Shhh," Keefe interrupted, "We can't let them hear us."

Sophie sighed. Did Keefe not realize there were far easier ways to eavesdrop?

"You realize tha-"

"Quiet, Foster. I can't hear them when you're talking."

Sophie shrugged. She tried to tell him they didn't have to crouch in an awkward position to listen. If Keefe got mad, it was his fault.

"Wait a second...."Keefe mumbled. "You're a Telepath."

"Well spotted," Sophie grumbled. She really didn't want to listen in on Lady Gisela's private conversation, but it could be useful...

"Follow me," Keefe whispered, walking back to the living room. Sophie, reluctantly, followed the blond boy.

"Since you're a Telepath," Keefe began, "You could listen in on their thoughts, right?"

"Yes, but I can't actually hear what they're saying," Sophie argued, maybe he was dense enough to believe her.

"Hearing their thoughts is even better," Keefe cheered, making sure to whisper, of course.

"Or I just pretend to tell you what they're thinking," Sophie said.

"I'm an Empath," Keefe smirked. "I'll know if you're lying."

Ugh, why of all abilities Keefe was able to have, did he have to be an Empath. It would make lying so much easier.

"I really don't think this is a good idea," Sophie tried again. She really didn't want to get in trouble. After all the progress she had made with Lady Gisela.

"Your emotions say otherwise. We have to know. What if, what if it's something important?"

"Obviously," Sophie deadpanned. "Otherwise they wouldn't have to go to a different room." Keefe was an amateur when it came to sneaking around. (Or so she thought)

Keefe fell to his knees, holding his hands up and turning his face into a... what was he supposed to be?

"Are you trying to act like a blobfish," Sophie questioned.

"No, it's my puppy-dog eyes," Keefe corrected.

Of course, that was the time Ro decided to walk into the room.

"Uh, what is going on here, Lord Hunkyhair," She asked, clearly as confused as Sophie.

"I have no idea," Sophie replied.

"I'm begging Foster to eavesdrop on the Councillors having a meeting with my mom," Keefe told Ro.

"Pleeaaase," He whined.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "If we get in trouble, it's your fault." 

"Yeah, yeah, skip the lecture for later. We need to know what they're saying," Keefe said, waving his hand in the air to dismiss Sophie's rules.

"I'm really going to regret this," Sophie mumbled, sitting on one of the couches to help her concentrate.

"But I'm not," Ro smiled. "I really wish I had popcorn."

How did Ro even know what- Never mind, Sophie needed to get this over with as soon as possible.

Closing her eyes, Sophie stretched out her conscious. Feeling their thoughts, Sophie listened.

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