C-h-a-p-t-e-r T-w-e-n-t-y

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Once all the small prodigies ate a small snack of custard bursts and mallowmelt, they went back outside to look at more animals. There was a pile of dried umber leaves the students had been warned not to go near, they were for feeding the animals.

Sir Grady had allowed them to watch the animals themselves. Sophie, Linh, Dex, and Tam went over to the unicorns, where a few other students were.

"Why can't we go back to Verdi," Sophie heard a familiar voice whine.

"Because, unicorns are prettier."

"Can't we just look at both of them?"

Tam turned around and groaned. "Oh, great. It's him." Oh. Keefe.

"And Wonderboy," Dex sighed next to Sophie. "And Princess Pretty-pants."


Sophie watched as Biana rushed over to the unicorn and admired it in it's beautiful sparkly glory. 

"Can we go look at Verdi, instead," Dex whined.

"We can look at the unicorns for a little while longer," Tam said.

"Oh," Sophie teased. "I never took you for someone who loves unicorns."

"T-that's not what I meant," Tam glared. "I was saying it for Linh's sake."

Linh giggled, catching on to what Sophie meant. "We can go look at Verdi if you want, Dex."

Tam shot a withering looking to Sophie. She giggled. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

"I-I, ugh," Tam sighed.

"C'mon, now," Keefe yelled. "Let's go look at Verdi again. Did you see her huge teeth?" He dragged Biana and Fitz to the T-Rex.

"We can go look at Verdi," Tam quickly complied. Linh and Sophie giggled. Dex gave them a weird look, but nonetheless led them to the T-Rex's enclosure.

"Don't say a word," Tam threatened. Sophie gasped.

"You wouldn't hurt your own sister, would you?"

"Of course not," Tam said, looking offended. "I'm not a monster. And, you aren't my sister, so the threat still stands."

"And," Linh told Sophie. "I've been begging for a murrcat, and Tam probably won't let me get one if I let the cat out of the bag. Oh, that's my favorite human expression!"

Sophie giggled. The four made their way to the tyrannosaurus enclosure.

"Whoa," Sophie heard Keefe exclaim. "Verdi's teeth are humongous!"

"Didn't you see her a few minutes ago," Fitz asked, having a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yeah," Biana said, running her hands through her luscious hair. "We should go look at cuter, and, uh," She sniffed, "less smelly creatures."

"Hey, don't dis the T-Rex. I'm sure if she wanted Verdi could eat us," Keefe said, staring up in awe at the huge dinosaur.

Linh shuddered next to Sophie, and Sophie had to agree. If Verdi suddenly decided they looked very delicious, they would probably eaten in a few seconds.

"That," Biana said, "is why we should go look at something less dangerous."

"If you're so against being here," Fitz said. "Why don't you go look at the unicorns with Maruca and Marella."

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