C-h-a-p-t-e-r E-l-e-v-e-n

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"What does the Council need that they scheduled a meeting," Sophie asked. As soon as she had entered the hideout, Lady Gisela gave her a fancy dress, brought her to her room and told her to get changed. 

Now she was standing outside the Neverseen hideout it a red dress, about to go to Candleshade and have a meeting with the Council. To say Sophie was nervous was a major understatement.

"They realized you never had a chance to go to Foxfire. So they decided to hold a quick test to see if you would qualify for attending," Lady Gisela stiffly said. Sophie gulped when Lady Gisela said 'test'.

"Now, let's go. We mustn't keep them waiting," She held up a crystal and guided Sophie into the beam.

Candleshade was a place Sophie had only been to a few times. It was tall and grand. To be honest, the building intimidated Sophie. It was over one-hundred stories long. Who needed a house that tall?

Lady Gisela opened the door to Candleshade, telling Sophie to keep a Telepathic line to put in the story. Sophie wiped her sweaty palms on her dress. They were so unprepared.

"Remember, convince your emotions. Councillor Oralie is going to be here," Lady Gisela said with a fake smile as she led them into Candleshade's living room. Keefe was there, entertaining three Councillors.

A moment later they noticed Sophie, gauging their attention towards her. Sophie hid behind her hair.

"So this must be the girl we've heard about," One of the Councillors said, Gisela thought to Sophie that it was Councillor Kenric. His red hair was wild but he look excited; Sophie wasn't sure why.

"Yes, lets get this over with," Another said, this was Councillor Bronte. Sophie could tell by the points of his ears and his scowl. No wonder Keefe always called him creepy. 

"Go ahead and take a seat, Sophie," The third Councillor said, this was Oralie, the Empath Gisela had warned her about. But, she didn't look very intimidating to Sophie her blonde ringlets framed her rosy cheeks, perfectly. She looked like a fairy princess. Sophie sat down on the couch across from the Councillors; Lady Gisela was seated on a chair. Sophie couldn't see Keefe, so he must have left the room.

"Gisela tells us you are a Telepath," Kenric prompted. "For how long exactly?"

"Ever since I was five," Sophie answered, confused as to why Lady Gisela wanted her to tell the truth.

"She's an excellent Telepath," Lady Gisela said, "When we found out that Sophie was a Telepath, and at such a young age; we were astounded. She's been training for awhile."

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard," Bronte argued. He rolled his eyes and turned to Sophie. "Let's see how good you are, then. Tell me what I'm thinking."

Sophie nodded her head, getting her emotions and thoughts under control.

Apparently, the test had begun.

Sophie reached her mind out to Bronte's, and answered his command, "You're thinking that you're the only one here with any common sense." She continued, "And you're tired of watching Kenric stare at Oralie."

Bronte's jaw fell open and Kenric's face turned as red as his hair. Oralie looked down her cheeks flushing pink. Sophie heard a very Keefe-like snicker coming from the room next door. 

Lady Gisela cleared her throat, "I assume that's correct."

Bronte scowled, but nodded nonetheless, "An Ancient mind is almost impenetrable."

"As Sophie said, she has been a Telepath ever since she she was five," Lady Gisela said.

"Are there any other interesting things we should know about her," Kenric asked.

"Her blocking is impenetrable, as you must already know, Kenric," Gisela said, "And her levitating ability is exceptionally impressive."

"Well, let's see it," Bronte commanded. Oralie gave a reassuring nod towards Sophie.

Sophie closed her eyes and controlled her breathing. She imagined having extra arms lift up the furniture in the room. She heard a gasp and slowly opened her eyes. 

The couch the three Councillors were sitting on was levitating above the ground. Sophie looked and saw Lady Gisela's seat was floating, along with her own. Sophie's stomach rolled from the strain of holding up more weight than she was used to. 

She screamed as the hold on everything stopped. The couches and chairs crashed to the ground.

Kenric laughed, "That was amazing. And at such a young age..." Sophie was not amazed. She had dropped not one but three Councillors. She cringed, waiting for a punishment.

"I think I've heard and seen quite enough to make my decision," Bronte barked. "I vote against-and you will not convince me otherwise." He crossed his arms for emphasis. 

To be perfectly honest, Sophie wasn't too upset. She liked Exillium, they had better food than the Neverseen hideouts, and Tam and Linh added way more enjoyment.

Kenric shook his head. "You're being absurd, Bronte. I vote in favor-and you won't convince me otherwise."

Sophie held her breath, waiting for Oralie's answer.

Oralie gave a smile, "I know it won't be easy, but I trust you will be a valuable prodigy at Foxfire." He azure eyes met Sophie's fake blue ones. "You have my vote."

"Well, that settles things," Lady Gisela said, standing and swiping imaginary wrinkles from her dress.

"For now," Bronte corrected. "This will be revisited. I'll make sure of it."

"Of course," Lady Gisela agreed. "At the end of the year we should have another.. test."

Bronte straightened, surprised of Gisela's reply, "Right."

"One moment," Lady Gisela called, "I need to have a conversation about her enrollment. Please, come to the next room." She led them away from Sophie. Sophie severed their Telepathic connection, per to Lady Gisela's command.

Sophie heard Gisela say, "Keefe, out." And saw Keefe smirking as he walked into the living room.

"Next time you drop the Councillors, can I be there," He asked.

Sophie sighed, "It wasn't on purpose. I just.. lost control."

"Well next time you have the option to drop a Councillor on the ground, can I be there," Keefe laughed. "I could hear everything through the wall. So, it turns out you're going to Foxfire."

"Reluctantly," Sophie mumbled.

"That's not what your emotions are telling me. You sound excited, excited about getting to see me more," He teased.

"Oh great," Sophie already had to see Keefe way more than she wanted. "I'm just excited because, being allowed in the Lost Cities means I can go on way cooler missions."

"I guess," Keefe said, then got a glint of mischief in his eye, "Want to eavesdrop?"

Sophie groaned, "Ugh, Keefe."

(A/N) Okay, that's C-h-a-p-t-e-r E-l-e-v-e-n done for you. It was super fun to write, and now Sophie gets to go to Foxfire.(for the first time in this 'dimension thing idk') i'm so excited! I also had to look through book one to find everything that happens during this time. well, now i get to go start writing C-h-a-p-t-e-r T-w-e-l-v-e... 

p.s. i once read this awesome fanfiction i think on ao3, but i don't remember what it was called. so, it's sokeefe and  sophie and biana had planned to go to the movies i think, but biana and fitz had plans. so biana told keefe to go and then a lot of fluff later they were telling their kids about how they fell in love. if anyone knows what it's called or has a link, please let me know!!! thank you for reading this, bye

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