C-h-a-p-t-e-r S-i-x

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"Umm, are you really sure this is going to work," Sophie asked, fidgeting in the rickety wheelbarrow they found in the old shed in the Garden Room.

"Of course I'm sure," Tam reassured. "Okay, Linh, now you step into the wheelbarrow, and when Boobrie comes, I'll jump in after you."

Boobrie was the code name Tam had come up with, he said it was fitting. Now, Sophie was squished next to Linh in an old wheelbarrow, and Tam was about to jump in. She had no idea if this complicated prank would even work.

"I really don't think-" Sophie tried.

"Shh," Tam held a finger to his lips, then whispered, "Do you hear that?"

"I think he's coming," Linh excitedly whispered. 

Sophie closely listened to the small footsteps down the hall. "Wait, those aren't-"

"Quite, Sophie," Tam grabbed the rope and pulled. This sent a domino effect of things toppling over. Sophie watched the nick-knacks fall as the wheelbarrow raced down the hallway. Linh and Tam were whooping for joy. 

A few seconds later, the wheelbarrow stopped. Tam got out of the cart to help Linh out. 

Sophie insisted on getting down on her own, but face planted in the process. Oh what luck.

"Let's go see how much damage we did to Boobrie," Tam whispered, smirking mischievously.

The trio tip-toed down the hallway, not so quietly. Tam continually shushed them as Sophie fell and Linh giggled.

They turned the corner to find...

A laughing Ruy and angry Gethen, he was covered head to toe in yeti Pee. The three each gave a mutual look that said, We're in trouble. Big Time.

"Oops," Was all Linh had to offer. It had been Tam's idea after all.

"I tried to tell you it wasn't him," Sophie hissed.

"We thought you were Keefe," Tam said, at least he was honest.

"My steps don't sound like an eight-year-old's," Gethen grumbled. Ruy continued laughing.

"Why aren't you covered," Tam asked.

"I'm a Psionipath, remember," Ruy created a force field to show.

The five heard four footsteps down the hall. Keefe and Ro turned the corner. Immediately they both started laughing.

"What happened to you," Keefe asked Gethen. 

Gethen rolled his eyes. "Since you all think this is so funny, I think you will enjoy it while all four of you are picking curdleroots. Oh, and don't forget to peel them too."

"Wait, what did I do," Keefe asked.

"You laughed," Gethen replied. "No go."

Sophie, Tam, and Linh all grumbled and muttered underneath their breathes while Keefe kept shouting, "I didn't do anything." He was being dragged along the floor by Ro.

Once they all entered the Garden Room, Keefe sat on the bench. 

"There is no way I'm going to pick and peel curdleroots. Those things stink!"

"You know," Ro said, "We ogres use them to make poison. So, if you don't listen, I won't have any trouble making some. I'm sure-"

"I got it, I got it," Keefe said, quickly jumping from the bench and walking over to the plants.

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