C-h-a-p-t-e-r T-w-o

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Sophie had been training for exactly four months; she was excited. Gethen told her if she continued doing well with her training, she could discover the hideout after only eight months of isolation. It had originally been twelve. Soon she would be turning seven anyways, the way elves counted age was strange, but Sophie got used to it quickly.

Sophie heard someone knock on her door. "Come in," she told them. Gethen walked in.

"Sophie," he said, "Today we are going to be working on more Telepathy exercises, okay?"

Sophie nodded, she enjoyed Telepathy, it was only ability she had. At that time, that is.

"I'm sorry, Gethen," Lady Gisela barged in, "but today, Sophie is going to be meeting someone else. I think this meeting with incline both of them to be more... cooperative." Sophie didn't understand, she was being as cooperative as she could be. And who was this other person?

After a few seconds past, Gethen walked out of the small room Sophie had been staying in. She assumed Gethen had been communicating telepathically with Lady Gisela. Sophie thought the Neverseen believed Sophie was more naive than she really was. 

"Well, Gethen is going to get a blindfold, we can't have you looking through the whole hideout. We still aren't sure if  the Black Swan is using you."

Sophie internally sighed. She couldn't help that the creepy Black Swan could read her mind. They seemed to have no regards to privacy.

The door cracked opened, and Gethen stepped back inside. He held the blindfold out and Sophie stood still as he tied it around her eyes. Holding her shoulders, Gethen guided Sophie through a maze of hallways and twists and turns. Even with a photographic memory, she would still be confused with the directions.

Finally stopping, Sophie heard a door creak open and was walked inside, Gethen took the blindfold off, and left the room, locking the door behind him.

Sophie looked around the room in awe. The most she knew about the hideout that is was a cave. But looking and the scenic view around almost made her forget she was in a stuffy cave. The grass on the ground was so green, and there were trees dotted around with leaves of multiple colors. Plants were sprouted around the area, most were unfamiliar to Sophie, she was only six, after all. 

One specific flower caught her eye, It reminded her of a sunflower, but it's petals were gold, and in certain lighting almost looked translucent.  

After staring in awe for a few more minutes, a voice spoke behind her, "You look like you've never seen a tree before."

Sophie jumped. She hadn't seen anyone when she walked in. Turning towards the voice, she saw a boy that looked around her age, he had messy blond hair and strikingly ice blue eyes. He kind of reminded her of Lady Gisela. He was sitting on a bench.

"I actually have seen a tree before," Sophie defended herself. "I just think it's cool that we're underground. Don't you?"

"I've seen cooler stuff than trees and flowers," The boy said. "Um, do you know what we're doing here?"

"No. I thought you knew. And, question, what's your name?"

"I," the boy said, standing up, "am Keefe."

"Uh," Sophie had never heard of a name like that, "is that a disease or something?" 

Keefe opened his mouth, appalled. "Sorry," Sophie said, trying to excuse her question. "I've just never heard a name like that before."

𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now