C-h-a-p-t-e-r E-i-g-h-t

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Sophie entered her classroom. After Grady guided her through the halls, Sophie insisted she could go on her own. She was seven after all.

But she did wonder where Keefe had gone off to. He seemed so insistent to follow her around, but she couldn't find him once she was out of Grady's office.

Once she entered the classroom, everyone stopped to look at her. Sophie guessed it wasn't every day a new student came to the Children's Program.

"Welcome, Sophie," the mentor of her class said, he had pale blond hair and, of course, blue eyes. "I am Sir Astin," He introduced.

"Um, hello," Sophie greeted. Suddenly, Sophie was poked on the back. She turned around to see Biana.

"Come meet my friends," Biana said, not really giving Sophie a choice. Biana grabbed Sophie's arm and dragged her to two girls. One had had darker skin, black hair, and turquoise eyes, and the other was pixie-like with blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

"This is Maruca," Biana gestured to the turquoise-eyes girl. "That's Marella," She pointed to the other.

"Hello, I'm Sophie," Sophie greeted, slightly nervous. She wanted these girls to like her. It had been awhile since Sophie was able to make friends or fit in at all.

"Why are you only coming to the Children's Program now," Marella asked. Sophie assumed she was a little nosy.

"Oh, well, my parents wanted to make sure the program was secure," Sophie replied, reciting the story perfectly.

Marella turned her attention to the front of the room where Sir Astin had begun to talk, "Alright, class. Today is our rotation for working on Skills." The class groaned. "I won't have that attitude. Don't look down upon elves who have gone to Exillium. Skills are very important to know."

The class, mumbling annoyances, lined up. Sir Astin opened the door and led the way to a huge open gym-like room. The floor had hard padding to brace anyone's falls, and a temperature thermometer that would change the room temperature. There was a case full of little balls. Sophie wondered what they were for. She saw another door with a sign that said, "Pool".

"Today," Sir Astin began, "we are going to be doing Telekinesis." The class groaned again.

"Everyone grab a mat so we can begin," Sir Astin said, undeterred by his under-enthusiastic class.

Sophie grabbed a mat and sat down near Biana, Maruca, and Marella. Shortly later, two boys joined. One was Keefe and the other was-

"I'm Fitz," The teal-eyed-boy introduced himself. Why did he look sort of familiar. Wait...

"Are you related to Alvar," Sophie asked.

"Yes, he's my older brother," Fitz answered, flashing a smile. But Sophie was not going to fall for his silly charm. Alvar had told her how horrible his younger brother and sister were. But Fitz was the worst. And that's why Biana must have looked so familiar.

Sophie grabbed her mat and walked somewhere else. She was not going to sit with the two brats that were mean to Alvar. Sophie saw a boy sitting alone, and decided to sit there.

Sophie placed down her mat and the boy looked up. He had strawberry-blond hair and periwinkle eyes. "Um, why are you sitting here," he asked, looking around the rest of the gym.

"Am I not allowed," Sophie asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just, no one ever... sits here,"He mumbled.

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